[Resolved] Is it possible to re-position the menu bar in mobile and iPad portrait views?

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Is it possible to re-position the menu bar in mobile and iPad portrait views?

Home Forums Support Is it possible to re-position the menu bar in mobile and iPad portrait views?

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    Hi Tom,

    In the desktop view, I’ve got a traditional vertical Nav bar inside the left sidebar, with the content on the right.

    On a mobile, this turns into a Nav bar that toggles, and sits at the top of the page just under the Header.

    On an iPad in landscape this configures the same way as the desktop, ie menu on the left side and content on the right. However, in portrait, the menu defaults to the bottom of the page, below the content, and just above the footer.

    2 questions.

    1. Can I make the mobile menu bar sit above the Header and not below it.

    2. Can the portrait iPad view have the menu at the top of the page (like on the phone) and not at the bottom. (In the Source code, the left-sidebar div seems to come after the primary div, whereas I guess I’d normally expect it to be placed before the primary div, as in the desktop view.)



    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Will,

    This may be helpful: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/left-sidebar-in-responsive-view-comes-last?replies=5

    To place the menu before the header, you would want to replace .content-area with .site-header on line 9.

    Let me know if you need more info ๐Ÿ™‚


    Thanks very much for that reply, Tom. I’ll give it a go tomorrow.

    There’s one thing that puzzles me though. I looked through the showcased GP sites you have in the sticky at the top of the page. On the iPad in portrait, the vast majority show the menu bar before the content in the responsive view, as you would expect.

    Do you have any idea what there is in my GP configuration that is causing my menu bar to be positioned differently, at the foot of the page?


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I took a deeper look into this and found a bug – thanks for catching that!

    This will be fixed in the next version ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hi Tom,

    Is the fix included in the 1.2.9 beta? Would you recommend using the beta instead of inserting the JQuery?

    I’m wondering whether to wait for the general release of 1.2.9 instead – do you have a date in mind for this?


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Yes, it’s included in the latest beta.

    I’ll be uploading 1.2.9 to WP.org today, but they’re backed up so it may be a week before the update is reviewed and released.

    If you’d like to begin using the beta right now (it’s stable), send me an email to support@generatepress.com and I’ll send it to you.


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