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[Support request] Insert Sponsored Links

Home Forums Support [Support request] Insert Sponsored Links

Home Forums Support Insert Sponsored Links

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  • #1134780

    Im using GP Premium in 2 websites.
    In one of then, when Im going to insert a link in a post I can select between diferent links options as Open in a new tab or sponsored link.
    In the other website I only can choose between Open in a New tab or not.
    Both websites are using GP 2.4.1 and GP Premium 1.9.1
    I need to activate anything?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    GP doesn’t interfere with the link options in the editor. Check what version of WP and any other plugins you have on the two sites. You may have block plugin that is extending those options.


    Hi again.
    I have disabled all plugins and the insert links options only show the Open in a new tab option.
    Nofollow or sponsored link are missed

    Customer Support

    This is the default for the link option:

    You would see the exact same thing when using a default twenty series WP theme as WordPress controls the editor as David pointed out.

    If you are seeing some other options in other sites, then I’d assume they are added by another plugin you might be using.

    Let me know if this helps ๐Ÿ™‚


    Im watching that options.
    In other website with GP Premium I have sponsored and nofollow options too.
    I will check what plugins could make that

    Customer Support

    That’s definitely not something GP Premium adds ๐Ÿ™‚


    I have the exact same problem; using GP on two different sides. One of them shows sponsored links option, the other one not.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Yoast is one plugin that i know of that adds those Rel options to the normal text links. Other SEO plugins may also do that.

    If it were a Buttons Block then the GenerateBlocks Buttons Block provides those options too.

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