[Support request] Input sum not working with javascript + GP hooks

Home Forums Support [Support request] Input sum not working with javascript + GP hooks

Home Forums Support Input sum not working with javascript + GP hooks

  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Tom.
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  • #385519

    Hey Tom,

    I need help, can you please tell me what I am doing wrong?

    Here is the code I used:

    Here is the page I am working on:

    And an image of what my javascript looks like inside your GP hook section.

    Thank you!

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Does it work without the if condition?


    Hey Leo,

    I get an error if I take away the “IF”.


    Customer Support

    I meant the entire IF statement.

    So basically only paste the <script></script>


    Hey Leo,

    Unfortunately, it still doesn’t work 🙁

    I think I had it as only the script prior to finding a forum where Tom mentioned having that PHP in there and it worked for the customer.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Replace this: $( document ).ready( function() {

    With this: jQuery( document ).ready( function($) {


    Hey Tom,

    Thank you, it definitely did something, but it doesn’t show the total value it just makes the “0” disappear.


    You can see it here, until I get it working I have it only set up with the first two boxes. The others are inputs for numbers.

    On the final row is where I have the total and in the second column it has the sum displayed.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm, I can’t see why it wouldn’t work. The jQuery itself makes sense and should work fine. There might be other factors at play though – plugins, HTML etc.. It’s hard for me to tell unfortunately.

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