[Resolved] I need to include a html code within

Home Forums Support [Resolved] I need to include a html code within

Home Forums Support I need to include a html code within

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  • #217131

    Hi Tom,

    First of all, thank you because you always are super speedy to answer my questions.
    I’ve got this Plugin to add sharing social buttons to my site http://www.mac-bay.co.uk

    And is asking me, to activate, to include the code below, within the <body> but I can’t find it. I’ve found <head> and the <body> but I can’t find the </body> to include it before the end of it. (in Editor)

    <!– Go to http://www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools –>
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-57ab17c75422ad5e”></script>

    At the moment I’m learning to Code, so I am really scared of breaking anything, I was just following the instructions given by AddThis Plugin.

    Thank you again.


    Roberto Enrique

    Hi, first of all I’ll assume that you’re working with a child theme and you’re overwriting default files that way. If not, please stop what you’re doing and go and create a child theme first.

    There are tons of nice social sharing plugins in the wordpress repo that permits you to add those sharing buttons without touching your theme files but in the case you absolutely need to do it that way I suggest you to add that code using the gp-hooks add-on.

    Specifically on the wp_footer hook

    View post on imgur.com


    Hey Roberto,

    I have replied by email to this the other day, but you didn’t get it.

    I just want to say Thank You for such brilliant Customer Services.

    I forgot about the GP Hooks, now I’ve done it in that way. Thank you for your help.

    Kind Regards,


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