[Support request] How to show a closed padlock to the left of post titles

Home Forums Support [Support request] How to show a closed padlock to the left of post titles

Home Forums Support How to show a closed padlock to the left of post titles

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  • #1135270

    Hi there,

    For certain contributions we have to show a closed padlock to the left of the titles, e.g.: https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icon/lock

    This closed lock should only be displayed only for a specific taxonomy term.

    As soon as the user is logged in, the lock should be displayed open.

    How can we best implement this with GP Pro and WPSP Pro?

    I have tested the following, unfortunately without success:

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Can you link me to the page where these posts are viewable? It depends on whether the posts themselves have a class assigned to them with the taxonomy you’re trying to target. Which taxonomy is the target?

    I should be able to write up some CSS to do this 🙂


    Hi Tom,

    That would be so great. 🙂

    I added the Link (only admin can see).

    .htaccess protection credentials:

    User: uz
    Password: Tester2020skJOP!

    Thank you.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Where on that page can I see this?: https://prnt.sc/qp4toi

    I’m not seeing it at the moment.

    Let me know 🙂


    If you open the link I posted (only admin can see) …

    This is the entry post title of that post.

    Not visible for you?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Can you disable any caching/minifying plugins, for now? Your site doesn’t seem to have any CSS applying to it right now, so it’s just a big white page.


    That’ s odd. I just disabled every caching plugin …

    Could you also please try another browser?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I’m seeing it now 🙂

    So, you’re currently adding “Plus” using a pseudo selector.

    Do you have the lock icon as an icon font or an SVG? It might be difficult to achieve, as you’re already using the pseudo on the Plus.. If we include the icon font with the “Plus”, they will be the same color..

    We could apply the “Plus” to the <a> pseudo selector instead, and then using the <h2> pseudo for the lock?


    So, you’re currently adding “Plus” using a pseudo selector.

    Yes, David helped to archive that:

    We could apply the “Plus” to the <a> pseudo selector instead, and then using the <h2> pseudo for the lock?

    This sounds like a good solution for us.

    Many thanks in advance. 🙂

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Something like this should work:

    body:not(.single) article[class*="post-badges"] h2 a:before, 
    body[class*="badge-"] h1 a:before {
        float: left;
        color: #fff;
        padding: 0 7px;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        font-weight: 700;
        margin: 3px 10px 0 0;
        font-size: .6em;
        letter-spacing: .7pt;
        line-height: 1.7;
        content: 'Plus'!important;
        background-color: red;
    body:not(.single) article[class*="post-badges"] h2:before, 
    body[class*="badge-"] h1:before {
        content: "lock";
        color: #000;
    body:not(.single).logged-in article[class*="post-badges"] h2:before, 
    body[class*="badge-"].logged-in h1:before {
        content: "unlock";

    You’ll just need to replace the “lock” and “unlock” with the font icons.

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