[Resolved] how to clear default page

Home Forums Support [Resolved] how to clear default page

Home Forums Support how to clear default page

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    I use generatepress with elementor, mostly I use hooks to set up head and footer section. Now I am building, a website with usage of wp job manager where. The job page shows on default generatepress site which include widgets and other stuff that is not needed. There is no option in wp job manager to set other default page so I need to clear default page in generatepress (leave only footer and head)

    Could you please tell me how to do it or propose any other solution for my problem.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Can you link me to the page in question?



    This is normal page after elementor editor: http://360-web-test.pl/
    This page is generated after job offer is added (it is default template): http://360-web-test.pl/job/test-test-51-test/
    it has many unneeded elements, and I dont know how to make it clear. Just to have it with hooks (head and footer section)

    Customer Support

    Hmm looks like you want to remove main navigation, footer widgets and copyright?

    Footer can be removed with this PHP:

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme','tu_remove_footer' );
    function tu_remove_footer() {
        remove_action( 'generate_footer','generate_construct_footer' );

    Adding PHP: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/adding-php/


    Thank you very much! It works..;-)

    I only need to remove the footer with copyright. I searched on topics and I found that I shoul add “<span></span>” and then “.site-info {
    display: none;

    after I add “<span></span>” copy is disabled but I still have color bar. After I add extra “.site-info {
    display: none;

    I see: .site-info {
    display: none;

    on the bar. Could you please help me with this? How should it be inserted so that I just wouldnt have anything there (no text and no bar).

    Customer Support

    So you are only trying to remove the copyright and not the entire footer?

    If so this CSS should do it:

    .site-info {
        display: none;

    Adding CSS: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/adding-css/


    It works! Thank you! 🙂

    Customer Support

    No problem!

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