[Support request] How do I add a Search box to a page?

Home Forums Support [Support request] How do I add a Search box to a page?

Home Forums Support How do I add a Search box to a page?

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  • #417834

    Hi Tom,

    I need to add a search box to the top of my pages – not on the nav bar. How much of this is built into GP Premium? Do I have to use an external plugin (if so which one). Do I have to enqueue the search function?


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Charles,

    Have you tried adding the search widget into the Top Bar widget area in “Appearance > Widgets”?


    Thanks, I didn’t know it was part of widgets. But I incorrectly said top of the page, what I meant was top of the main content. Is there a short code I can use to put it in the exact position that I want there?


    Customer Support

    Not sure what you mean? Can you link us to the site and show us where you want it?


    Here’s a link to the design. I just want it on the top right of the main page content above the calendar. As you can see I need 3 columns on the page. I was going to use masonry to create 3 columns without a sidebar, thinking that the horizontal alignment might work better, but maybe I should just use the sidebar widgets.


    Customer Support

    Sidebar widget should be the easiest way but then there won’t be any content to fill the space below the sidebar.

    Are you using this on the main blog page?

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