Hi again, I’m stumped with this one, I’ve been using a plugin called Ultimate Posts Widget to display certain custom posts throughout my site – in some cases I need to have a longer excerpt and in others a shorter one, and with this plugin I’m able to set them on a case by case basis.
When I turn on the Blog addon in GP, GP’s custom excerpt length takes over what I have set individually in the widgets (and displays an extra ‘read more’ link unless I turn one of them off). If I turn off the Blog addon, then I have to turn off the featured image on every single page, and I lose any formatting I’ve set on my archive pages, so then I’d have to create new archive pages.
I’m thinking the best (easiest for me lol) way to deal with this is to keep the Blog addon enabled, and somehow disable the excerpt length that GP is setting – at least for a couple of my custom post types that I need to set individually. Or any query that’s coming from the Ultimate Posts Widget plugin. Is there any possible way to do that? Or if you have any ideas that would help, thanks!