I ran this interference issue (check my link to my ticket there) by Toolset and this is their reply: (https://toolset.com/forums/topic/3rd-party-shortcode-interference/)
“Thanks for the details, the problem is in GP Social Sharing plugin side:
see the source codes of plugin file:
\plugins\gp-social-share-svg\inc\gp-social-settings.php, line 311:
$excerpt = wp_trim_words( get_the_content( $id ), 40 );
It only retrieve the raw data from post content, but does not parse the shortcodes in post content, so conducts the problem.
Currently, I suggest you remove that line, save your page(reset view’s cache), and test again.”
I’ve put the shareable duplicator archive in the website URL field here. I would appreciate if you could perhaps forward to the author so that this wonderful plugin can be made 100% compatible with Toolset. (Toolset really supports and pushes the GeneratePress theme). I know this plugin is not made by you, but it carries the GP name (smile). Many thanks!!