[Resolved] GP Premium 1.7.7 "bug"

Home Forums Support [Resolved] GP Premium 1.7.7 "bug"

Home Forums Support GP Premium 1.7.7 "bug"

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  • #770945

    Tom, not sure where is the best place for bug reports.

    1.7.7 is doing this (Dropbox screenshot) in the sections editor (“minifying” the editor text).

    I’ve tested rolling back to 1.7.5 and all is well again. I don’t have 1.7.6 so haven’t been able to test that. So I’m back on 1.7.5 now.

    I’ve confirmed this on a staging environment with no caching, and a live environment.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hey André,

    So the only difference is 1.7.5 vs 1.7.7? Both on 5.0.2 with Gutenberg active?


    Tom, yup:

    – GP 2.2.1
    – WP 5.0.2
    – Classic Editor active and set to default.
    – Visual Editor disabled.
    – Sections enabled.

    I don’t have 1.7.6, but yup, everything fine in 1.7.5 but 1.7.7 breaks the editor.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I’ll do some digging 🙂


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I have a branch of GPP which should have this fixed. If you want to give it a try (I’d appreciate it), shoot me an email: https://generatepress.com/contact

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