[Resolved] Jigsaw CSS errors, mainly untouched dependent files

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Jigsaw CSS errors, mainly untouched dependent files

Home Forums Support Jigsaw CSS errors, mainly untouched dependent files

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    Getting a whole swag of errors at https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fstoryclusters.com%2Fprocess%2F&profile=css3svg&usermedium=all&warning=1&vextwarning=&lang=en

    I did pay for a dev to “help” me some. That didn’t last long. Not sure what they’ve done in the backend, but after fixing CSS I haven’t experienced any issues with frontend or otherwise.

    The errors include a couple I’ve been meaning to ask about, like:

    – File not found: https://storyclusters.com/wp-content/themes/generatepress_child/custom.css: Not Found . I’m now using a child theme and all my css is in style.css. Site’s loading fine, if I add an empty custom.css all is well. Is generatepress_child_enqueue_scripts enqueing both custom.css and style.css ?

    – The sticky sidebar CSS provided by David seems to not be cross-browser.

    All the other errors I’ve seen are coming from either CSS supplied by you guys (now in style.css), elementor (shrug) or GP/WP dependent files I haven’t touched.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Is generatepress_child_enqueue_scripts enqueing both custom.css and style.css ?

    No, custom.css isn’t referenced anywhere in GeneratePress. Perhaps there’s a function that’s enqueueing it in your functions.php file? Or maybe you’re using @import in your CSS to include it?

    The sticky sidebar CSS provided by David seems to not be cross-browser.

    What’s the CSS exactly? It’s likely that old browsers won’t support it.

    All the other errors I’ve seen are coming from either CSS supplied by you guys (now in style.css), elementor (shrug) or GP/WP dependent files I haven’t touched.

    Most of what I’m seeing in the GP stylesheet aren’t true errors. We’re using vendor prefixes in some cases to improve browser compatibility, and the tool doesn’t like those.


    No, custom.css isn’t referenced anywhere in GeneratePress. Perhaps there’s a function that’s enqueueing it in your functions.php file? Or maybe you’re using @import in your CSS to include it?

    I forgot to mention that I checked both of those (hence generatepress_child_enqueue_scripts) and it’s a nope on both counts.
    I’m assuming it’s something done on my side, you can’t tell what’s calling it?

    We’re using vendor prefixes in some cases to improve browser compatibility, and the tool doesn’t like those.

    “Most of”, so nothing to be alarmed about?
    I trust, and shall defer to you 🙂 .

    The CSS for sidebar:

    /* _sticky sidebar */
    @media (min-width: 769px) {
        #right-sidebar {
            position: -webkit-sticky;
            position: sticky;
            top: 30px !important
    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Is custom.css being added using a Hook Element? Or maybe in the header.php file?

    I definitely wouldn’t worry about it.

    position: sticky is awesome, but it is only for modern browsers. If you need to support old browsers, you would need to get a javascript solution built.


    Sorry for delay.

    maybe in the header.php file?

    Yes, right you are, you da man.

    Assuming removing <link href="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> was the thing to do.

    Any idea why they added that, when they were already working on style.css?

    Re: sticky, probably look to a plugin again, thanks!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Not sure why they would add that. Glad you found it 🙂


    As an aside, can you tell me how I find my last other support topic, not yet replied to (on another pc in bed now). There seems to be no profile/history to view.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Click the “Forum Profile” button at the top of this page. It will take you to a page where you can see your replies/topics started.


    Got it (how did I miss that!?).

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