[Resolved] Google Analytics Tracking Code Error

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Google Analytics Tracking Code Error

Home Forums Support Google Analytics Tracking Code Error

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  • #1169831


    I’m seeing two errors for the google analytics tracking code, they are as follows:

    stats.g.doubleclick.net/r/collect?v=1&aip=1&t=dc&_r=3&tid=UA-27610483-1&cid=1043173194.1458862348&jid=489775425&_gid=1559214315.1581562813&gjid=1297521094&_v=j81&z=1938551571:1 GET https://stats.g.doubleclick.net/r/collect?v=1&aip=1&t=dc&_r=3&tid=UA-27610483-1&cid=1043173194.1458862348&jid=489775425&_gid=1559214315.1581562813&gjid=1297521094&_v=j81&z=1938551571 net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT


    analytics_debug.js:25 Running analytics_debug.js. This script is intended for testing and debugging only.
    log @ analytics_debug.js:25
    J @ analytics_debug.js:24
    (anonymous) @ analytics_debug.js:114
    (anonymous) @ analytics_debug.js:114
    analytics_debug.js:25 Initializing Google Analytics.
    analytics_debug.js:25 Running command: ga(“create”, “UA-27610483-1”, {cookieDomain: “auto”, name: “gtag_UA_27610483_1”})
    analytics_debug.js:25 Creating new tracker: gtag_UA_27610483_1
    analytics_debug.js:25 Auto cookieDomain found: “trademarkinteriors.com”
    analytics_debug.js:25 Running command: ga(Function)
    analytics_debug.js:25 Running command: ga(“gtag_UA_27610483_1.send”, “pageview”, {forceSSL: true, &gtm: “2ou250”, hitCallback: [function]})

    Please review and let me know your thoughts on how to correct. Thanks.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    i am not seeing those errors in my console – i checked around the site but they didn’t occur.

    I noticed above in your first error this: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
    Which sounds like a Browser extension such as an Ad Blocker is stopping it from loading.


    I have an ad blocker so that could be it. Thanks.

    Customer Support

    OK 🙂

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