[Support request] Generatepress Pro – how to customize page header

Home Forums Support [Support request] Generatepress Pro – how to customize page header

Home Forums Support Generatepress Pro – how to customize page header

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    Sorry – I’m new to GeneratePress Pro – I want to change the font size of the page headers, but cannot find which heading to change in the customization options. Ie, I’ve tried changing headings 1 – 5 but nothing seems to happen. Thank you!

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    That depends on what you’ve inserted in page header.

    For example, try this in page header content then you can adjust it in customizer using H1:
    <h1>My Title Here</h1>

    Let me know if this helps.


    Hi Leo – I’m trying to change the font size via the typography toolbar (ie via typography, then header), but the size of the header doesn’t actually change. I can change the font, but not the size. Thank you!

    Customer Support

    I’m not sure what you mean. Can you provide a password to your site?

    You can send it through Account Issue here: https://generatepress.com/contact/


    Thank you Leo – I’ve sent the query via your account issue contact form.

    Customer Support

    Are you referring to the site title and tagline?

    If so I was able to change the size no problem in Typography > Header?

    Let me know.


    Hi – thanks Leo. No – it’s the page title for each page, so for example on the home page, I want the title ‘Home’ to be smaller. thank you!

    Customer Support

    You have this CSS added which is overwriting the customizer setting:

    header.entry-header h1.entry-title {
        font-size: 47px;

    If you remove that the customizer option should work.


    That’s great! Thank you! Sorry to throw in another question, but can I customize the text in the sidebar as well? Thank you!

    Customer Support

    Yup definitely. The CSS is a bit different depending on what you are trying to change.

    I currently don’t see a sidebar on your page but if you can link me to one I can help you with the code 🙂


    thank you! There isn’t a sidebar on the front page, but there’s one here:
    I’m using LearnDash (who recommended GeneratePress to me, by the way), so I’ve added LearnDash widgets into the sidebar area, but I’d like to be able change the font colour and size. Thanks again.

    Customer Support

    This CSS should work:

    .sidebar .widget {
        font-size: 15px;
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