[Support request] Full Site Editing and Exporting to code

Home Forums Support [Support request] Full Site Editing and Exporting to code

Home Forums Support Full Site Editing and Exporting to code

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  • #2335097


    I’m just exploring new ways to integrate GP into my workflow and one of the use cases that often rules out the use of GP for me is when I’m creating a deliverable for a client. I would like to be able to, essentially, source control a site which I have created using GP + GB, so that the site’s content is stored in the database but the design/layout/templates (collections of blocks) I have created are stored in code so that it can easily be installed on a new site and be version controlled/updated easily. I get the impression this is not a use case that GP targets, as elements and their configurations are stored in the database, but wanted to check I wasn’t missing a possible opportunity?

    Many thanks,

    Customer Support

    Hi Jake,

    Yes, that is the case. Elements are stored in the database. As Elements are also considered as posts, you may export them and import them to new sites as you would regular posts.

    Specifically, in Tools > Export, you should find Elements there.

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