[Resolved] Footer widgets side by side

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Home Forums Support Footer widgets side by side

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    I am probably doing something very simple that is wrong, but reading all the documentation I don’t see how I can get footers widgets next to each other. For example, this page, I want the two ads at the bottom to be next to each other, but when I add a widget they come out on top of each other.

    If I select “Add footer” that is not right, since it adds a footer below the first one and that is not what I want. What setting am I missing here?

    Customer Support

    Hi Cristo,

    Footer widgets shouldn’t be stacked on desktop by default.

    I don’t see any footer widgets on that page?

    Let me know.


    Well, I have it set footer widget 1, footer widget 2 and they come out one on top of the other, Not sure what else to say. Maybe they are all part of one widget and I have my terminology wrong.

    Customer Support

    How are you adding the ads in footer widget?

    I can see 1 footer widget in the code but display: none !important in added in HTML style.


    Well, I am sure it is something simple that I just don’t get. When I look under appearance – widgets- it shows

    footer widget 1
    footer widget 2
    footer widget 3
    footer widget 4

    I have html code in all 3 widgets.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Couple issues.

    You’ve added three widgets into Footer Area 1. They will stack on top of each other.

    Instead, add one widget into each area (Footer Area 1, 2 and 3).

    Second issue is you have a javascript error on the page, and you have lazyload on the images so the images are never loading.

    You need to exclude jquery.js from your WP Rocket minify settings.


    Thanks, Tom. You are amazing…don’t know how you make time to help everyone.


    Thanks, Tom. You are amazing…don’t know how you make time to help everyone.

    One question…do I really need both autoptimize and WP rocket? I am trying to keep things very simple so that I can get on with adding content and the more plug-ins I have the more time I waste. In fact, I got a bit confused about your directions above, so not sure I made the right changes.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Leo definitely helps! πŸ™‚

    Autoptimize optimizes your HTML/CSS, WP Rocket provides caching. Best to run speed tests using both together and alone and see which works best for you.



    OK, will do. Finally wrapped my head around the footer widgets and how they work, so this will be my next step. My site is due to go live in about two days, so hoping for the best. A little scary when it involves changing url’s.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Glad I could help.

    Good luck with taking your site live! πŸ™‚


    Thanks, Tom. Really excited about switching to WP and using GP premium. Will probably take a hit for a month or so, but then I should be able to bounce back. Looking at my GA stats, I had about 22K users in the last 30 days…will let you know how much that goes up after a few weeks.

    Appreciate all your help as usual. Must drive you a little crazy at times!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Using WP will definitely be better in the long run.

    Leo and I are always happy to help where we can πŸ™‚

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