[Resolved] featured image size

Home Forums Support [Resolved] featured image size

Home Forums Support featured image size

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  • #1418541

    I want to make my featured images alignment the same for all posts.
    the featured images shape look different for different posts. I want to make them the same for all posts.
    please help me.

    reference: https://imgur.com/xz7y5yp

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    there is no way to adjust the position of variable size images without using Javascript which would create performance and layout issues.

    The very most you could do is set a minimum height on the entry-header like so:

    .entry-header {
        min-height: 120px;

    But this will add space to all posts and is not responsive.

    The best fix is to ‘crop’ your images so they all have the same aspect ratio.


    I see I don’t want to compromise with site performance and layout so, it’s better to do some manual work.
    thanks, David.

    Customer Support

    You’re welcome

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