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[Support request] Feature request: WooCommerce cart button behavior

Home Forums Support [Support request] Feature request: WooCommerce cart button behavior

Home Forums Support Feature request: WooCommerce cart button behavior

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Tom.
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  • #424759
    Lars Ugleberg

    I think there was some discussion earlier about adding more features to the built-in WooCommerce Cart button, but I can’t find any such additions in the latest release, and I can’t find the original discussion thread here in the forum.

    So, please allow me to request the following two new options in the WooCommerce settings in the Layout section of GP:

    1) Please add an option to show the number of items in the cart rather than the total price. I run a webshop that sells a single subscription, with an initial free trial period, so the total price is always zero even when the customer has put a subscription in the cart.

    2) Please add an option that takes the user directly to selected page – I would then use this to send the user directly to the product page for the single available product, namely the subscription product, and the user can then add it to the Cart and proceed to checkout.

    Best regards,

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,


    1. This is definitely planned – we’ve just had focused released since the WC release. WC will get another focus release soon.

    2. Not too sure what you mean – can you explain a bit more?

    Lars Ugleberg

    Hi Tom,
    Thanks for responding so quickly! Really impressed with the theme, and your support – and looking forward to an upcoming WooCommerce-focused update!

    About my second suggestion: The Cart is either empty or contains product(s). My suggestions an option that – when the Cart is empty – it takes the user to a selected page rather than to the Cart page (which show the empty cart).

    While the current behaviour is certainly the most widely used – and expected, it isn’t ideal for the type of webshop I run.

    I only sell one product, a software subscription. So, for my visitors it would be more intuitive if they are taken to my (single subscription) product page if they click on the Cart button while it’s empty. That way they can easily add the subscription to the Cart, and proceed to checkout and pay.

    If they take a detour with the subscription still in the cart, the cart button should indicate that it contains one item, and when the user clicks it again (now being NOT empty), they should be taken to the Cart page, allowing them to resume the purchasing and go to checkout (or empty the cart if they change their mind).

    I’m suggesting that the setting be controlled by a checkbox that enables it, and an input field in which I can enter a URL to the page I want the user to be redirected to if the cart is empty.

    Maybe the option could be called exactly that: “redirect if cart is empty”.

    Please note that the feature shouldn’t be hard-coded to redirect to the shop page. Many small subscription-based software vendors like me only have a single product – the subscription to the software, so we don’t have a use for the conventional shop page, which is intended to display an intriguing selection of products. That’s why the redirect-on-cart-empty becomes useful.

    Let me know if you need further clarification.

    Kind regards,

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Ah, gotcha! Great idea, I’ve added it to the roadmap 🙂


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