[Support request] Excerpt not showing on one post – blog plugin

Home Forums Support [Support request] Excerpt not showing on one post – blog plugin

Home Forums Support Excerpt not showing on one post – blog plugin

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  • #390675

    Is it getting confused with the [column grid=”2″ span=”2″] shortcode? I prefer this to the inbuilt columns you have added.



    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    I can see the except on the second post?

    That looks pretty similar to GP’s columns layout?


    The blog page uses the GP columns.

    The 1st post (apple press) uses the [column grid=”2″ span=”2″] shortcode in the actual post and the excerpt does not show at all.
    The 2nd post (in the media) doesn’t use the [column grid=”2″ span=”2″] shortcode in the actual post and the the excerpt displays correctly.

    Interestingly, when I wrote a specific excerpt for the post that displayed, but did not show the “read more” link. This is not enabled at present.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Instead of using the columns plugin there, why not just align your images left and right? It should achieve the exact same result without the need for shortcodes.


    I use full size image so that it scales nicely with different sized screens up to a max of 50% (in this example) when there is room for a column of text but to fill the width when only a single column on smaller screens.

    How would I make the image have max-width of 50% but only when there is enough room for a text column and be 100% when not enough room for a text column and the picture is the only item in that column? Adding a fixed size will break the responsiveness and if I use full size for the image I loose my columns for some images.

    You can see the behaviour on the apple press post when you resize the screen


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Ah, in that case, you might need to use the custom excerpt meta box that WP provides. If you can’t see it, click “Screen Options” at the top right and make sure the excerpt option is checked.

    Having your content wrapped in shortcodes like that will prevent the automatic excerpt from doing its thing.

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