[Resolved] Elements, Pictures – issues with translated pages.

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Elements, Pictures – issues with translated pages.

Home Forums Support Elements, Pictures – issues with translated pages.

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  • #2265797

    Hi there,

    i just did a translation of my page using wpml (Original German – Translation english).
    Now i face some issues:
    1. Some elements are not working -> the footer doesn’t show up in english
    2. I created a button that opens a contact sidebar -> which doesnt open in english (while the button translation worked)
    3. For some reason the main page isnt showing the translation – while all others do (main page has a slider on top that is translated also)
    4. Some images are not shown in translated version- e.g third section (2nd if you dont count the slider) on the startpage and all first/hero block-images on all other pages of the menu. You can only see the text for some reason. If you switch language back – everything is fine. This seems almost exklusive when i use a background image in a gb-container as “normal” image blocks are shown.

    Can you confirm this weird behaviour and maybe know what causes this/how it can be solved?

    Customer Support

    Hi Matthias,

    1. To clarify, have you created the translation of the Block Element as well?
    2. How are you adding the script for this button? Is it through a Hook Element? If so, have you tried adding the translated version of the page to the Display rule location of the Hook Element?
    3-4. Is it possible to manually edit the translated page? Perhaps you can also reach out to WPML with regards to this?

    It would also be good to reach out to WPML regarding this issue. There isn’t anything special about our Blocks that should hinder them from being translated like other Blocks.

    Kindly let us know how it goes.


    thx Fernando,

    1. Yes – all used elements are translated
    2. The Button is added as element with hook “after header” – and the container of the button has the additional css class “ocs-toggle-contact”. That trigger class is created by the plugin i use for the sidebar (Off-Cancas Sidebars & Menus). I am not sure what you mean by “adding the translated version of the page to the Display rule location of the Hook Element”
    3-4 yes – i will ask the same questions to wpml and let both parties know.

    I was just wondering as most problems occur in regards to elements and generateblocks.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    there should be no issue, the Theme itself won’t interfere with the translation of content. If there is a translated page or element to be displayed then WPML will handle that.

    Regarding background images, i don’t think WPML can swap them, to my knowledge it is only <img> elements it will handle.
    So that would need to be swapped on the translated page.

    Let us know what WPML have to say.


    Current state – i discovered a ?bug? (on wpmls site) -> Problem was the “new” hooks (not sure when those where implented).
    1+2 were solved by this.
    -> The slider uses “page hero” as hook -> the translation changed that to “hook”.
    -> footer uses “side footer” -> translation changed it to “hook”
    -> sidebar uses “custom hook” + the custom name in the additional field -> translation didnt copy the custom name.

    i already wrote that to wpml so they can fix that.

    Now only the problems with the main/startpage are left – i opened a support ticket for that.

    I’ll keep you updated how it goes on.

    Customer Support

    Thanks for keeping us updated.


    just a final update – in case someone sees the same behaviour:

    The remaining issues were caused by wpml – solved by either adding full (100%) + controlled translation. Also forms make a problem if you use placeholders (placeholders are for some reason not shown in the translation – only when you search for the used placeholders during the translation).
    Don’t know what caused the missing images – but that problem was gone with the mentioned additions also.

    Customer Support

    Glad to hear you got it resolved. And thanks for sharing the info

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