[Support request] Conflict with bootstrap original css and elements

Home Forums Support [Support request] Conflict with bootstrap original css and elements

Home Forums Support Conflict with bootstrap original css and elements

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    If I type in a page , the code for a regular bootstrap button,
    <a href="#">Link</a>
    I end up with something that looks completely different then the default bootstrap button, it looks like everything has been reset (No background color, no border…)
    I guess there is a reason to it, but was would be the best practice to fix this ?
    1 – copy the orignal code from original bootstrap CSS in “Simple css”
    2 – GP has a way around this which I don’t know off?

    So far it looks like I’m always asking questions, but I think GP is very good (maybe a bit hard to tune 🙂

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Not sure what you mean? Can you link me to the page?

    That code should only gives you a link, not a button.

    This is how we recommend to add buttons: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/adding-buttons/

    Let me know.

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