[Resolved] CLS issue: more than 0.25 (mobile)

Home Forums Support [Resolved] CLS issue: more than 0.25 (mobile)

Home Forums Support CLS issue: more than 0.25 (mobile)

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    I get the above error and I don’t know how to fix this. I used to get the “LCP issue: longer than 4s (mobile)” also but recently i switched to your GP Premium theme and it seems that this error was fixed for all my pages. But the “CLS issue: more than 0.25 (mobile)” seems to still persist.

    Any ideas what I could do to fix that also?

    Customer Support

    I will do these changes and report back. Thank you

    Customer Support

    No problem 🙂


    The CLS issue: more than 0.25 (mobile) seems to still be there.

    For one of my pages it gives me an Aggregate CLS of 0.46. And it seems that this problem is the same for most of my pages as it gives me 283 affected URLs.

    Any ideas what else I could do?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I’m willing to bet the issue is coming from the WP Show Posts images not having width/height attributes.

    Can you try this method of resizing the images instead of the built-in method?: https://wpshowposts.com/support/topic/show-posts-images-not-working/#post-8324


    But I use the WP Show Posts plugin only on my home page while this message seems to be happening in almost all my website pages.

    Should I try what you proposed me on your last reply?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I just ran the “Articles” page.

    The origin summary is the same, but the lab data for that page is saying 0 CLS: https://www.screencast.com/t/fgXzWytg

    Definitely worth a shot.


    OK thanks, I will try what you said above and report back.

    What is the difference between the origin summary (0.45 value) and the lab data (0 value)? Which one i should be looking at?

    Customer Support

    Origin Summary is based upon the last months worth of metrics that google may have gathered ( or estimated )

    When making changes to the site or testing specific pages – use the Lab Data is these are the metrics generated by the specific test.


    It seems that the error corrected itself after a few days. Probably it needed more time when I changed to the GP Premium theme to get the new data.

    I will monitor the situation and if I have any problem I will let you know. For now the problem seems resolved. Thank you!

    Customer Support

    Glad to hear that!

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