[Resolved] Bottom of primary content short of copy-right bar

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Bottom of primary content short of copy-right bar

Home Forums Support Bottom of primary content short of copy-right bar

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  • #423277

    On my testing website (cruisesandairfare.com), the bottom of the main content is not reaching to the top of the copyright bar. The two sidebars do reach. It is odd in that it may or may not happen depending on which page you click in the page navigation section of the main page. By the way, I’m using “GP Premium 1.4.3 – Activated” according the license page. I will keep all other plugins outside of generatepress turned off until 17:00 PM CST Tuesday so you can get a clean look at the issue without the possibility of other plugins causing problems.


    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Can you try using One container? https://docs.generatepress.com/article/content-layout/

    Looks like that’s the layout you are going for.

    Let me know.


    That worked. Thanks. You’re too cool, Leo…

    Customer Support

    haha thanks 🙂

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