[Resolved] Background image in section and Lightweight Grid Columns

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Background image in section and Lightweight Grid Columns

Home Forums Support Background image in section and Lightweight Grid Columns

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    I’m working on a wbesite and i have a problme with “section”and the image background that growth after modification in texte area.
    I’m using Lightweight Grid Columns to have the texte in a part of the page (60%) on the left that let show the image background on the right. But when i change something in tge texte (more text for example) and update my page, the background image is going higher and more on the right. I don’t undestand why and it is seems not very “secure” if my page changes every new update.
    Can you help ? Please

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Can you link me to the site?



    My site is under construction :-/

    Customer Support

    Can you disable it so we can see? These problems are hard to diagnose without seeing it.


    Hi Leo,
    I’ve launched the site this week-end.
    Here it is https://www.khadydiallo.tv/

    So my problem is :
    > if i add more text in the second section, the photo becomes bigger and the woman on the right go on the right outside of the screen

    I have another problem on the homepage on mobile phone : the header (the woman is the sofa) and the text on the right (built with “page headers”) don’t work very well : the text is on the right outside of the screen.

    Hope it will help you !

    Customer Support

    Try creating columns within sections: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/creating-columns/

    Unfortunately background images are not responsive by nature. I see that you added a lot of CSS to style the page header, might be best to wrap them so it’s desktop only: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/responsive-display/


    Thanks for your answer !

    Customer Support

    No problem!

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