[Support request] Apply existing Posts custom CSS to Pages?

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Home Forums Support Apply existing Posts custom CSS to Pages?

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  • #944966

    Could u save me some time by telling me if this will work, and if so what classes I need?

    I’m assuming I can just add the Page classes to my existing custom Posts CSS?
    I want it exactly the same as Posts, title, padding, will have custom sidebar content (w’ Simple Page Sidebars plugin), use same layout, containers.

    Post: http://storyclusters.com/video-for-business-using-a-presenter-vs-mere-mortals-2/
    Page: http://storyclusters.com/camera-fright/

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Which CSS are we talking about specifically? Can you share it here?


    I’ll try to clarify.

    I want the same layout on Pages as on my Posts.
    I had assumed that all the Custom CSS for Posts (that you guys helped me so much with) would carry over to Pages, i.e. title over feat img, page padding, etc.

    I assumed this because there are shared classes on both, i.e.
    PAGE: <h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="headline">Camera Fright</h1>
    POST: <h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="headline">Video for Business: broadway works with fancy tinsel Golem</h1>

    I’ll have sidebars for both Posts and Pages (i’ll change the sidebar widgets for Pages later), but want the same layout, containers.

    Example pages:

    POST: http://storyclusters.com/video-for-business-using-a-presenter-vs-mere-mortals-2/

    PAGE: http://storyclusters.com/camera-fright/

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    the CSS is only being applied to the .single-post – you would also need to include the .page in those rules. So wherever there is a .single-post you would need to add a .page selector. For example:

    .single-post .inside-article {


    .single-post .inside-article, .page .inside-article {

    Repeat that for each of the single post rules for that CSS and it will apply to pages also.


    Hi David,

    Doing so has produced some bizarre layout breaks I haven’t got my head around.

    PAGES seem to now work as intended, but it’s broken POSTS:


    I left: .single-post .entry-content, .entry-meta (adding .page here broke even more)

    But did add .page to every other occurrence of .single-post.

    Also, can you pls tell me what I need to crop the top of .featured-image (to make less high) for all posts+pages. Every permutation I’ve tried breaks the (before latest broken) layout.


    – – EDIT: fixed, above still broke – –

    Customer Support

    Sorry what is still broken?


    See a blog post, above, vs page: http://storyclusters.com/our-process/

    Also just noticed my bg color of mobile menu overlay has disappeared, and same happened 2 days ago on sticky bg and couldn’t figure why (had to redo css for sticky bg). Can you pls review my CSS and tell me what’s wrong?

    Customer Support

    I’m really not sure which element I should be looking at and what is not working.

    Have you checked over your CSS to make sure there are no syntax errors?

    I took a quick peek and spotted this line missing semi-colon:
    .custom.slideout-toggle {display: inline-block !important}

    Might be good to ran it through this site:


    That is valid CSS (and validates as such).

    Yes, additional CSS in customizer shows errors, all good.

    Seems u haven’t read above? This is re David’s instructions.

    Customer Support

    Ok let’s take a step back as I’m a little confused. (David is on vacation unfortunately).

    Can you please
    – Link me to the page I’m supposed to be looking at.

    – Copy the paste the CSS that is not working here (highlight the code and click the code button in the editor).

    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ We will get it sorted.


    I’ve reviewed above and it’s a pretty clear narrative:
    – Added CSS for PAGES to appear as POSTS.
    – Worked for PAGES, broke POSTS.
    (all other points were asides)

    See page and post links above.


    /* BLOG layout */
    /* _META + CONTENT Padding*/
    /* _content - single TABLET+DESKTOP */
    .single-post .entry-content, .entry-meta {
      padding: 20px 17% 5% 5%;
      margin-bottom: -15px; } 
    /* _SINGLES */
    /* _padding */
    .single-post #primary, .page #primary {
      padding: 0 1% 0 2%; }
    /* _Titles */
    /* _above 640, below 1290 */
    @media (min-width: 640px) {
      .single-post .inside-article, .page .inside-article {
        display: grid;
        grid-template-rows: auto auto auto auto;  }
      .single-post .inside-article, .page .inside-article>* {
        grid-column: 1;  }
      .single-post .featured-image, .page .featured-image {
        grid-row: 1 / 3;
        margin-bottom: 0 !important;  }
      .single-post .entry-header, .page .entry-header {
        grid-row: 1 / 3;
        align-self: end;
        padding: 40px 40px 0px;
        background-color: #fff;
        width: 70%;
        margin-left: -40px; }}
    /* _above 1290 */
    @media (min-width: 1290px) {
      .single-post .inside-article, .page .inside-article {
        display: grid;
        grid-template-rows: auto auto auto auto;  }
      .single-post .inside-article, .page .inside-article>* {
        grid-column: 1;  }
      .single-post .featured-image, .page .featured-image {
        grid-row: 1 / 3;
        margin-bottom: 0 !important;  }
      .single-post .entry-header, .page .entry-header  {
        grid-row: 1 / 3;
        align-self: end;
        padding: 40px 40px 0px;
        background-color: #fff;
        width: 60%;
        margin-left: -40px;  }}
    /* _hide-sidebar below 1095*/
    @media (max-width: 1095px) {
      .single-post #primary, .single-post #right-sidebar, .page #primary, .page #right-sidebar{
        float: none;
        width: 100%;

    It’d be better for you to track live CSS – I’m working on it now, tweaking as I go. Will update anything pertinent here.

    UPDATE: I and others on WP have experienced issues with ‘code snippets’ plugin with WP 5.2.1 (my workflow: test CSS in “additional CSS” for live changes and when it’s tested and working, I paste it into a code snippet).
    I can’t say for certain which CSS classes *weren’t* being applied, but I can confirm weirdness was going on – disabling the code snippet and pasting all 243 lines of custom CSS into “additional css” has immediately shown changes. Fun times. Onto debugging.

    Customer Support

    Hmm I don’t use Code Snippets for CSS at all so I’m not sure what is causing it.

    Glad it’s all working now ๐Ÿ™‚


    It’s not working, that’s the point, see above. Your as yet impending helpful response is appreciated.

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