[Support request] Adjust header in mobile

Home Forums Support [Support request] Adjust header in mobile

Home Forums Support Adjust header in mobile

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  • #410124

    I have an issue with the header size in mobile view. My site: https://www.bcsportsfoundation.com (which in in maintenance mode). I can send you login info if you’d like.

    I tried adjusting the width to 15px in the Customizer…however, the setting was already at 10px when I opened the menu. I read a couple of forum items but they do not speak to my issue.

    Can you take a look at the site in mobile view and advise me. I’m trying to get this right so I can launch the site.


    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Yes we would need to see the site to see what the problem is.

    You can send it through Account Issue here: https://generatepress.com/contact/

    Customer Support

    Looks like you have lots of problems on your mobile site: https://s1.postimg.org/9ls63r4ayn/2017-10-25_2115.png

    Can you try disabling the caching plugin first?

    If not then try #1 here: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/debugging-tips/

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