[Support request] Adding a spanish "de" to the wordpress date format

Home Forums Support [Support request] Adding a spanish "de" to the wordpress date format

Home Forums Support Adding a spanish "de" to the wordpress date format

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  • #412659

    Here http://wildlatina.co/product/cindy/ you can see the comment date format is 7 Octubre, 2017 and how to make it like this 7 de Octubre, 2017, for all the comments add “de” in between the month and day. I believe it would be a php snippet? I have a code snippet plugin installed.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Usually the time and date format are set in “Settings > General”. However, I’m not sure how you could add a word like “de” to it – I’ve never seen a function or filter like that. Have you checked with WordPress.org support? They may have seen something similar before.

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