[Support request] add sidebar to archive blog with elementor

Home Forums Support [Support request] add sidebar to archive blog with elementor

Home Forums Support add sidebar to archive blog with elementor

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  • #957785

    I can’t show you my site because I’m building it with Flywheel.

    I don’t know if you can help me or if I need Elementor, I’ve emailed them but haven’t heard back yet, of course it’s Sunday, anyway…

    I’m building a one-page static site with a blog. I’m using Elementor Pro and the blog is much nicer looking, but there is no sidebar. I have to use the archive blog to make it as my Post Page, otherwise when I try and edit it with Elementor Pro I get this message:

    “Sorry, the content area was not found on your page. you must call the ‘the_content’ function in the current template in order for Elementor to work on this page.”

    I’m not a developer so that means nothing to me. Anyway…

    when I create the Archive Blog there is no sidebar and I don’t know if I can use one, but I would think I could. But I don’t know if there’s something I need to do with your theme or not – and you have created an awesome theme.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    If you are using GP’s default blog page, then the sidebar layout can be set in the customizer:

    If you want to use Elementor then you’d have to check with their support.

    Let me know 🙂

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