[Resolved] Add Edit Option Next to Post Author Name for All Posts

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Add Edit Option Next to Post Author Name for All Posts

Home Forums Support Add Edit Option Next to Post Author Name for All Posts

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  • #115655

    I would like to display the “Edit” link/option right below a post header to the right of the Date and Author name for easier access to edit each post for logged in admins and users.

    Previous themes I’ve used displayed the “Edit” option in that spot by default.

    Currently the Edit link/option shows up (at the bottom of an individual post) only when a logged in user clicks and displays each individual post.

    What’s the easiest and least disruptive way to accomplish this?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    What about for pages, where there’s no author/date entry?

    Personally, I think the edit link is kind of redundant – the admin bar at the top of the screen has an edit page link, which is always present no matter where you are on the screen.

    You can always overwrite the generate_posted_on() function to include the edit link, but I’m not sure it’s completely worth it?

    Let me know πŸ™‚


    It’s actually worth it because it makes it easier to edit specific posts (useful when there are multiple contributors and an admin or editor needs to adjust and edit style, content, or image formatting/placement on multiple posts).

    In blog summary view mode (index.php) you can easily scroll to view the posts and click “Edit” to immediately go edit that post.

    The current way you have to scroll, then click on the post title, and then click the “Edit Post” option in the WP admin bar. Those extra clicks can really add up over time. πŸ™‚

    Any help on implementing this with minimal core file disruption will be appreciated. πŸ™‚

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Not 100% sure it will work, but worth a shot.

    Try this function: https://gist.github.com/generatepress/00cfa69e677dd47dcfde

    Adding PHP: http://generatepress.com/knowledgebase/adding-css/


    Thanks. I’ll try it out.

    I think you mean this for Adding PHP: http://generatepress.com/knowledgebase/adding-php-functions/ πŸ™‚

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Grr, that’s definitely what I meant. Sorry!


    Worked like a charm! Thank you!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’re welcome πŸ™‚

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