[Resolved] Accessing Page Headers

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Home Forums Support Accessing Page Headers

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    I have a question about Page Headers definition for the Hero Image of a site.

    Development for this site is being done in two domains for one project. One domain is for test, the other development. Each site has been upgraded to the current version of GP. Each site has the same plug-ins installed and enabled. Both sites have “Use Sections” turned on.

    The Test site has a menu option for Page Headers on the vertical dashboard on the left side of the pane. Click on it shows “No posts found” even though the site has a page header with a background image (added before the GP upgrade). I can’t seem to access the image. Clicking on the menu option enables me to create a new page header, but I can’t access what is already there.

    The Development site, on the other hand, does NOT have the same “Page Headers” dashboard menu on the left side of the pane. However, the page header is accessible on the (Home) page where was created. It looks like a section. Clicking on that section enables accessing the header options.

    How do I access the page header section on the test site?
    Which way is the standard way?

    Customer Support

    Hi Jon,

    Can you link me to the sites?

    Page header was overwritten in the most recent version of GP. It used to be all in the meta box (except the blog page header in the customizer). Now it’s a custom post type which you can access through Dashboard > Page Headers.

    If you had existing blog page headers in the customizer, it should be transferred. All other page headers for static pages and posts should remain in the meta box.

    Dave made a video here that might be helpful: https://www.designbuildweb.co/generatepress-dynamic-page-headers/

    Let me know if this helps.


    Thank you for the video. This helps me understand the new features, but it does not quite help me with the problem.

    In the video, at 6:34, he opens up the page header section to identify which page header to use (on the “About” page in the video). I created a page header, but I do not have such a section on my (Home) page on which to identify which page header to use. (I have verified that in Appearance > Generate Press both “Page Headers” and “Sections” are activated).

    I’d be happy to give you the URL and credentials to the site to see. Please give me an e-mail where I can send them.

    Thank you so much in advance. I’m sure it is something simple I am missing.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    So when you edit your home page (static page with content), there’s no Page Header meta box at all on the page? If you click “Screen Options” at the top right of the page, is there a Page Header option with a checkbox next to it?


    That was it! Of course it was something simple like missing the “screen options” tab!

    Thank you! Problem solved!

    Customer Support

    Glad we could help 🙂

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