[Support request] 2nd Request for Header Coding

Home Forums Support [Support request] 2nd Request for Header Coding

Home Forums Support 2nd Request for Header Coding

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Tom.
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  • #386633

    I submitted my site – http://www.bcsportsfoundation.com- as requested for help with modifying the buttons in the header section.
    again, I need help with alignments of the two buttons to the center and below the title/site tag.

    Can you provide the coding or other docs?


    Hi again,

    I haven’t received a reply for the header issue yet…and now I have an issue with formatting the footer…Previously, I started designing my site with OceanWP/Elementor and created a beautiful footer.

    I am not able to do the same so far and here’s the problem:

    I cannot add a line between paragraphs (like a listing) nor change the line-color (I’m using a black background). I would appreciate if someone would respond because I’m urgently trying to get this design finished.

    How can I send screenshots?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    For the first issue, I would use GP Hooks to insert your widget into the After Header Content hook. You can use a plugin like this to turn a widget into a shortcode, which you can add into GP Hooks: https://en-ca.wordpress.org/plugins/widget-shortcode/

    As for your footer, you can add a border to your paragraphs like this:

    .footer-widgets p {
        border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
        padding-bottom: 15px;

    I should mention that you’re still totally free to build your footer in Elementor – you can insert it into GP using our Hooks add-on.

    Let me know if you need more info – we’re always happy to help.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Also, it looks like your original topic was replied to the same day you opened it: https://generatepress.com/forums/topic/new-help-positioning-buttons-in-header/


    Hi Tom,

    In the Premium version…in the “Page Header” dropdown…there is Image, Content, Background video, Logo and Advanced.
    I am missing the “Logo” app…do you have a doc for missing items?

    Also, I want to add the “Image horizontal reel scroll slideshow” (by Gopi Ramasamy). I tried using the shortcode button, but it causes the page to go blank. What do you recommend?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    The logo section only appears if a site-wide logo exists to overwrite (Customize > Site Identity).

    Where are you trying to add it? In the page header content? You would have to type/paste the working shortcode into the content field.

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