- Tweak: Update Customizer script dependencies to prevent WP 6.3 conflicts
GP Premium 2.3.0
- Feature: Add Search Modal Element type
- Fix: Inline post meta feature in GenerateBlocks 1.7
- Fix: Close “Choose Element Type” modal with ESC key
- Fix: Replace WooCommerce secondary image attachment size
- Fix: WP Filesystem error missing credentials
- Fix: Undefined array keys in dynamic Container URL
- Fix: Author avatar in Header/Block Element titles
- Fix: Infinite loop error when autosaving with dynamic content block
- Fix: Add aria-label to off-canvas panel button
- Fix: WooCommerce button dynamic typography
- Fix: Empty WooCommerce quantity fields
- Fix: PHP 8.1 notice using disable elements in Customizer
- Tweak: Improve license key area
- Tweak: Improve off-canvas transitions
- Tweak: Check for WooCommerce functions
- Tweak: Open off-canvas using space bar
- Tweak: Use image ID in mobile header/sticky nav logos
- Tweak: Improve Elements hook selection dropdown UI
- Tweak: Add site library check for min GenerateBlocks version
- Tweak: Add Loop Template to Custom Post Type dropdown filters
GeneratePress 3.3.0
- Feature: Add navigation search modal
- Fix: PHP 8.1 filter_input notice
- Fix: Comment fields PHP 8.1 notice
- Fix: Empty footer post meta
- Fix: PHP 8.1 warning in GeneratePress_Typography:get_css
- Fix: Color picker callback update not re-rendering the component
- Fix: Don’t apply block margin to core Heading
- Fix: Editor width when changing previews
- Fix: Allow rgb() color values
- Fix: JS error when toggling empty mobile menu
- Fix: PHP notice when using SVG as normal and retina logo
- Tweak: Allow sub-menus to open using the spacebar
- Tweak: Increase .has- class specificity
GP Premium 2.2.1
- Fix: Add value to off-canvas aria-hidden attribute
- Tweak: Remove/add aria-hidden to off-canvas on toggle
GeneratePress 3.2.2
- Fix: Typography system unit picker popover position
- Fix: Typography system state update possible infinite loop
- Fix: Editor content width when using large content padding values
GeneratePress 3.2.1
- Fix: WooCommerce single product schema itemtype
- Fix: Post title font properties in the editor
- Fix: Error in Customizer when Google Fonts disabled
More changelogs can be found in our legacy development blog.