Note: These versions are currently release candidates. Please be sure to only install them on testing/development websites.
GenerateBlocks 2.0.0-rc.3 | Download
GenerateBlocks Pro 2.0.0-rc.3 | Download in your account*
* If you purchased from, you can log in to your account here.
Release schedule
November 4, 2024 | alpha.1 |
November 13, 2024 | alpha.2 |
November 21, 2024 | beta.2 |
December 3, 2024 | beta.3 |
December 11, 2024 | beta.4 |
December 19, 2024 | beta.5 |
December 20, 2024 | beta.6 |
January 9, 2025 | beta.7 |
January 15, 2025 | beta.8 |
January 23, 2025 | beta.9 |
January 28, 2025 | rc.1 |
February 4, 2025 | rc.2 |
February 6, 2025 | rc.3 |
February 12, 2025 | Release day |
Generateblocks 2.0 is just on the horizon, packing a landslide of seriously powerful improvements including new blocks, upgraded Global Styles integration, dynamic tags, and an enhanced UI with full search/filter functionality.
We’ve been jumping at the bit to get this release into your hands, and we’re pleased to announce that our Alpha build is now available for public testing.
But before we take a deep dive into the technical details, we wanted to pull back the curtain a little bit as to what prompted the direction for this update.
Back with GenerateBlocks Pro 1.7.0, we released our new Global Styles feature. This feature was well-received and was certainly an improvement on our previous Global Styles system from a usability standpoint. However, it’s the technology behind it that really has us excited as a team. We managed to make a tool that builds professional-grade code inside the block editor. Seriously, the code it writes for you is as good as any seasoned developer could write from scratch.
With this new technology in our hands, we just had to use it on our local blocks as well, it’s just too good not to use everywhere. Initially, we believed that we could place our Styles technology on top of our existing blocks and call it a day. But it felt disconnected. Wrong. A lot like cleaning your room and throwing everything into the closet/under the bed. Integrating this new technology into our existing blocks also meant that those blocks would have a new user interface anyway, so the logical direction was to create our blocks from scratch. This allowed us to:
- Integrate our new Styles technology as the primary method of styling our blocks.
- Build a new HTML system to build the actual HTML for the blocks.
- Start fresh, ensuring these blocks are as clean, fast, and stable as possible.
The result? Exactly what we’d hoped for. The cleanest, fastest, and most stable website-building tool we’ve ever seen.
What about the version 1 blocks?
While we think that the version 2 blocks are a huge upgrade, and we highly advise you to use them moving forward to get the most out of your build, we want to go ahead and address the big question first.
Our existing version 1 blocks are not changing or going away. Your existing website(s) will continue to function exactly the same with GenerateBlocks 2.0 with no action required on your part.
Users who update from 1.x will still have the version 1 blocks available by default. This means that when you open the block inserter, you will still see the version 1 blocks.
If you want to start using version 2 blocks on your website, you can go to “GenerateBlocks > Settings” to turn off the version 1 blocks. Doing this will not affect your existing version 1 blocks on your website. All it will do is make it so the version 2 blocks are now the available blocks in the block inserter.
Fresh installations will default to the version 2 blocks. If, for some reason, you want to continue using version 1 blocks on your fresh websites, there’s a simple PHP filter you can use. However, we highly suggest that fresh websites begin using the version 2 blocks.
Can I easily update my existing version 1 blocks?
We’re working hard to add block transforms so you can easily update your version 1 blocks to their newer versions, but not everything will have this ability, depending on how your blocks are set up. We’ll continue to add transforms as we move towards a stable release.

That said, you don’t have to update your version 1 blocks to start utilizing the version 2 blocks. Both can exist on the same site/page, and there’s no need to transform them if you don’t want to.
The Tech
Our system builds your production-ready code as you build your pages. The CSS you generate using our styles builder is constructed, formatted, and minified as you click around inside the block editor. When you save your page, the CSS is already 100% production-ready and simply outputs itself on the front end of the website.
The same can be said for the HTML. As you build your content, we generate the front-end HTML code. In fact, you can see this happening as you do things like add a URL to a Button block. If you watch the HTML Attributes control (in Pro), you’ll see it is hard at work as you build your content. We’re not storing any crazy variables or attributes and figuring out the logic on the front end.
By the time a visitor lands on your website, 100% of the code is already compiled and ready to go. There is no front-end processing when it comes to HTML or CSS. We (or anybody else) could not make this part of the system any more performant. This is the end game when it comes to no-code website building. Even with zero coding knowledge, you are building professional-grade code. It’s like getting a Ferrari Engine with your kit car, and we’re pumped.
Dynamic Tags

In order to achieve our goals with this release, we had to address the shortcomings of our existing Dynamic Content feature. We didn’t want to bog down our beautiful new system with anything that isn’t as excellent as it is, so we had to start from scratch here again.
The result is an incredibly powerful dynamic tag system. These tags can be used anywhere inside your block HTML code. Wherever the system finds these tags as the block renders, it will replace the tag with the defined dynamic content.

You can use these tags in your content, URLs, data attributes, and anything else that is rendered in the HTML.
The best part? These tags are incredibly easy to register yourself if you need something we don’t provide. Using our API, you can register your own tags and have complete control over what they return. They’re also previewable inside of the editor by default.
Because of how simple these new tags are to register, we were able to make some really cool additions in GenerateBlocks Pro.
Here are some available dynamic tags.
- Current post
- Specific post
- Next post (Pro)
- Previous post (Pro)
- Post title
- Post excerpt
- Post permalink
- Published date
- Modified date
- Featured image URL
- Featured image ID
- Post meta
- Previous posts URL
- Next posts URL
- Comments count
- Comments URL
- Term List
- Author meta
- Author archives URL
- Author avatar URL
- Archive title (Pro)
- Term meta (Pro)
- User meta (Pro)
- Current year (Pro)
- Site title (Pro)
- Site tagline (Pro)
- Option (Pro)
Meta (Post, User, Term, Options)
Our dynamic tags can query post meta (or any kind of meta, really), but it could do that before as well. What it couldn’t do was query deeply nested meta. This means if you have any sort of meta that returns an array (no matter how deep), you can access the data you need by specifying the keys.
This works for post meta, user meta, and even the options table. For the options table, we had to lock it down a little so we don’t expose too much, but you can open it up using a super simple filter. This also means you can use our dynamic tag system with tools like ACF (post meta, or options), or any post meta tool, really.
And that brings us to the next big part of this release. The Query block.
The Query Block
When we built our version 1 Query Loop block, we were pretty proud of it. It was no small feat to allow users to easily query the posts of any post type across their pages. However, querying posts is where this block stopped.
In GenerateBlocks 2.0, the Query block has been re-built using our new system. A new beginning meant we could build this thing to Query anything, and loop anything. So we did.

In GenerateBlocks Pro 2.0, you can now Query post meta and data in your options table. For example, if you’re using ACF to build repeaters (in your posts, or in your options pages), you can now Query those repeaters and output any available data inside of them using our Dynamic Tag system.
The possibilities here are endless and we are super proud of this feature!
Control Improvements
There’s no point in making all of these awesome technical upgrades if they aren’t easy to use. So we’ve made a number of visual and performance tweaks to make the controls faster and more intuitive than ever. You’ll find a huge reduction in input lag along with some other under-the-hood performance improvements right out of the box.
Style Indicators

We’ve improved our style indicators so that they can show you if the styles applied to your block/elements are coming from a different breakpoint or a Global Style. Previously, the style indicators only showed up for local blocks and were applied to all controls (such as effects, colors, or backgrounds). With 2.0, the indicators show for local blocks and Global Styles. They are applied to all controls and work on any at-rule or selector. We’ve also updated the indicator UI to make them more compact and useful, which is super helpful on complex controls like backgrounds or effects.
Search and Filter Controls

Efficiency all the way down. With our new search and filter options, you can quickly locate any specific control. You’ll be able to see all controls that inherit a style from elsewhere (such as a Global Style or another block), and even hide controls that don’t have a value set in the block or global style you’re editing.
We’re continuing to expand and refine the search keywords for each control, so you don’t have to remember the exact label name. Search by the CSS property, or even certain synonyms like “gradient” instead of “background” to see background controls, even though the label only says “Backgrounds”.
Reporting Issues
If you’d like to test these versions and provide feedback or bug reports, you can do so using the following channels:
- GitHub issues. This is the best place to raise an issue, as our developers monitor these issues daily.
- The comments on this post. Feel free to leave a comment here if you find an issue and don’t want to use GitHub.
- Premium support forums/priority tickets.
The Future of GeneratePress
While this release is amazing for all of the reasons outlined above, we are also super excited to learn about what this means for us as a team moving forward. We’ve successfully built a lean, mean, code-writing machine that can do anything. Want a carousel block? We can do it, and we can do it fast, right, and with resulting code that’s professional and beautiful.
It would have been easy to just join the race and start pushing out new blocks and features to “keep up” with the competition. But that’s not and will never be our path. Instead, we built a state-of-the-art engine that will enable us not only to keep up, but to lead the way.
GB 2.0
- Fix: Effects component value initial state
- Fix: Undefined content when transforming old Headline blocks
- Fix: Query re-rendering when saving page
- Tweak: Add CSS value validation to styles builder inputs
- Fix: Unique ID regeneration
- Fix: Nested Query data memory usage
- Fix: Nested Query item selecting in editor
- Fix: Post permalink not working in Container settings
- Fix: Improve gradient parser in Styles Builder
- Fix: Show correct at-rule style value in block settings
- Tweak: Improve Styles Builder control debouncing
- Fix: Value mismatch when switching at-rules
- Fix: Image styles on transform
- Fix: Allow trailing spaces in dynamic tag options
- Fix: Allow Element and Text blocks in post excerpts
- Fix: Text block toolbar flashing when typing
- Fix: Multi-selecting image block
- Fix: Post excerpt tag possibly infinite loop
- Fix: Broken generated CSS when saved by an “editor” role user
- Improve: Styles builder indicators logic/performance
- Improve: Grid transforms
- Improve: Default Page Numbers block template
- Tweak: Add editor box-sizing to Containers
- Tweak: Add v2 free pattern library
- Tweak: Allow next/previous post URLs with no query
- Improve: Legacy block transforms
- Improve: Transform legacy Grid block
- Improve: Layout panel UI
- Improve: Selecting different query loop items UX
- Fix: Styles builder values persisting across at-rules
- Fix: Include global max-width in block transforms
- Fix: Editor query offset bug
- Fix: Missing horizontal sync when searching
- Fix: Image sizing option in backgrounds color
- Fix: Include container links in block transforms
- Fix: Border colors in block transforms
- Fix: Loop item selector overlapping block toolbar
- Fix: Indicator dots getting mixed up in styles builder
- Fix: Missing post classes on query loop items
- Tweak: Significantly improve editor performance
- Tweak: Cache dynamic tag replacements to reduce editor network requests
- Tweak: Add filter to disable dynamic tag previews
- Tweak: Reduce other editor network requests
- Tweak: Allow pagination type for any query type
- Fix: Default Button hover color styling
- Fix: HTML entities in pattern category names
- Fix: Limited terms in dropdown control
- Fix: Deeply nested queries
- Fix: Image block HTML attribute escaping error in the editor
- Fix: Post meta fetching bug in dynamic tags
- Feature: Add inline background control to Loop Item block
- Feature: Add more CSS properties:
- Feature: Allow
characters in dynamic tag values when escaped with\
- Fix: Query bugs in the editor
- Tweak: Run all front-end HTML attributes through escaping functions
- Tweak: Add more loop filters for future extensions
- Tweak: Add filter to local block CSS in the editor
- Tweak: Only show Looper appended if it’s empty
- Tweak: Remove Container Queries in free version
- Feature: Add
dynamic tag - Feature: Add alignment toolbar option to blocks
- Fix: Missing dynamic tag values in user meta
- Fix: Taxonomy term dynamic tags
- Fix: Typing issues when using
tag name - Fix: “current” option handling in Query block
- Tweak: Add fill to icons and shapes by default
- Tweak: Add appender to Looper block
- Tweak: Add `rand` to `orderby` options in Query block
- Tweak: Add `alt` tag to dynamic images
- Tweak: Improve unit control unit handling
- Tweak: Add mobile layout to Grid block by default
- Fix: Query previews when no post ID exists
- Fix: No preview when using inline background image
- Fix: Default background image URL when wp-content URL has changed
- Fix: `posts_per_page` allowing any negative number
- Fix: Query date controls not keeping their values
- Fix: Multiples of the same dynamic tag in one block conflicting
- Fix: Comments dynamic tag options
- Fix: `orderby` slug not working
- Fix: Unit control negative number handling
- Fix: Nested rule when opening from indicator dot
- Feature: Add shape divider position shortcuts
- Tweak: Make styles builder filter option persitent
- Refactor: How CSS is added to the editor for local blocks
- Breaking change: Replace
tags with{{post_date}}
- Feature: Add order control
- Feature: Add white-space control
- Fix: Backgrounds control
- Fix: Broken grid-template-columns control
- Fix: Create selector margin
- Fix: Broken pagination when inheriting the query
- Fix: Color picker width with a lot of palette colors
- Feature: Multi-selected blocks now only apply changed styles
- Feature: Add
color controls - Feature: Add
control - Feature: Add filter to change default Button attributes
- Breaking change: Replace
tags with{{featured_image}}
- Fix: Author meta in dynamic tags
- Fix: Allow multiple inner blocks inside the Looper
- Fix: Don’t output Looper HTML if no items are found
- Fix: Broken font-family custom value
- Fix: Inset controls not appearing when searched
- Fix: Backgrounds control CSS output
- Fix: Transition adding issue
- Fix: Unit Control switching unit when adjusting number
- Fix: Negative Unit Control value inputs
- Fix: Compound selector spacing
- Fix: At-rule indicator dots
- Fix: Sticky at-rules overlapping issue
- Fix: Renaming/deleting of at/nested rules
- Fix: Query editor posts when
set to -1 - Fix: No posts in the editor when
is empty
- Breaking change: Use real WP_Query args in Query block parameters
- Fix: Block error on non-https websites
- Fix: Block error when using WooCommerce
- Fix: Error when clearing dynamic tag link option
- Fix: Image block CSS scoping in editor
- Fix: v1 to v2 block transform error
- Fix: v1 to v2 icon style migration
- Fix: Missing posts/pages in post select dropdowns
- Fix: Error when adding empty Looper block
- Fix: Broken parameter controls in v1 Query Loop block
- Tweak: Wrap term list items in a span tag if no link
- Tweak: Normalize dynamic tag input heights
- Tweak: Remove extra block setting labels
- Tweak: Add auto widget to image blocks by default
- Tweak: Hide single Query Type option
- Tweak: Hide Term List dynamic tag from non-applicable blocks
- Tweak: Change Instant Pagination toggle to Select with options
- Tweak: Scroll into view on instant pagination only if not in view
- Tweak: Use dynamic tag for post excerpt in Query templates
- New: All blocks re-written from scratch for better performance and control
- New: Version 1 blocks still exist where used and function normally
- New: Version 1 blocks can be enabled by default with simple filter
- New: Element block – replaces the Container and Grid blocks
- New: Element blocks comes with Container and Grid variations in the block inserter
- New: Text block – replaces the Headline and Button blocks
- New: Text blocks comes with Headline, Text, and Button variations in the block inserter
- New: Query block – replaces the Query Loop block
- New: Looper block – replaces the Grid block inside of the Query block
- New: Loop Item block – replaces the Post Template (Container) in the Query block
- New: No Results block – add content that displays if no Query results are found
- New: Page Numbers block – add page numbers for pagination in your Query block
- New: Shape block – add any SVG shape to your pages
- New: Media block – replaces the Image block
- New: Local blocks now have the full styles builder found in GB Pro Global Styles
- New: Local blocks can now be designed at any breakpoint or nested rule
- New: Filter block design options in the editor based on whether they have a value
- New: Filter block design options in the editor based on whether they’re inheriting a value
- New: Dynamic tags system. Insert dynamic data anywhere in your blocks
- New: Multiple dynamic tags can be inserted into a single block
- New: –gb-container-width CSS variable for getting the global max-width
- Performance: Local blocks now generate their CSS and HTML as you build in the editor
- Performance: Blocks are output as static HTML/CSS on the frontend for better performance
GBP 2.0
- Fix: Effects component value initial state
- Tweak: Add CSS value validation to styles builder inputs
- Fix: Unique ID regeneration
- Fix: Gradient parser in Styles Builder
- Fix: Show correct at-rule style value in block settings
- Tweak: Improve Styles Builder control debouncing
- Fix: Value mismatch when switching at-rules
- Improve: Styles builder indicators logic/performance
- Improve: v1 block to Global Style transforms
- Improve: Layout panel UI
- Fix: Styles builder values persisting across at-rules
- Fix: Selected Global Style clone value
- Fix: Missing archive title outputs (search and blog page)
- Fix: Pattern categories not consistently saving
- Fix: Exclude HTML attributes control from No Results block
- Fix: Limited terms in terms dropdown
- Tweak: Reduce network requests to Global Styles
- Tweak: Improve Global Styles panel performance
- Fix: Image block HTML attribute escaping error in the editor
- Feature: Add more CSS properties:
- Feature: Add Archive Description dynamic tag
- Fix: Upload SVG assets
- Fix: Add Global Styles UI to Page Numbers block
- Tweak: Add filter to local block CSS in the editor
- Tweak: Don’t early-sanitize characters in the HTML attribute control
- Fix: Accordion block runtime error
- Fix: Error when no Query offset exists
- Fix: Global Styles sorting
- Fix: Remove local patterns from admin bar
- Fix: Fatal error in related terms function
- Fix: Tab transitions
- Fix: “current” option handling in Query block
- Tweak: Improve unit control unit handling
- Fix: Default background image URL when wp-content URL has changed
- Fix: Unit control negative number handling
- Tweak: Make styles builder filter option persitent
- Refactor: How CSS is added to the editor for local blocks
- Fix: Nested rule when opening from indicator dot
- Feature: Add order control
- Feature: Add white-space control
- Fix: Backgrounds control
- Fix: Broken grid-template-columns control
- Fix: Create selector margin
- Fix: Color picker width with a lot of palette colors
- Fix: Broken “current” options in the Query block
- Fix: Broken at/nested rule renaming/deleting
- Fix: Clone Global Style error
- Fix: Broken option dynamic tags
- Tweak: Load Global Style CSS at the top in the editor
- Tweak: Global Style onboarding styles
- Fix: Block error on non-https websites
- Fix: Missing filter return
- Fix: v1 to v2 icon style migration
- Tweak: Add support for real WP_Query args in Query block parameters
- New: Add support for GenerateBlocks 2.0
- New: All blocks re-written from scratch for better performance and control
- New: Version 1 blocks still exist where used and function normally
- New: Version 1 blocks can be enabled by default with simple filter
- New: Accordion block (and inner blocks) re-written using 2.0 technology
- New: Accordion icon block – easily choose your open/close icons
- New: Tabs block (and inner blocks) re-written using 2.0 technology
- New: Full ACF support in new dynamic tags feature
- New: Full ACF support in new Query block
- New: Query ACF post and options page repeaters in Query block
- New: Filter Global Style design options in based on whether they have a value
- New: Filter Global Style design options in based on whether they’re inheriting a value
- New: Full control over v2 block HTML attributes
- New: Full control over image link HTML attributes
- New: Better Global Style indicator dots when inhereting styles
Yes! Another massive improvement. Banner year, team.
But I hope GP 2 will has a slider block, it’s not good to use plugin just to create a simple slider for testimonials section.
Read the second paragraph of ”The Future of GeneratePress’
Got it. Thanks David!
Can’t wait to enjoy stable 2.0
This is so good! Well done guys! Looking forward to start playing around with it.
Like always, where do you want us to submit bugs? (If we find any)
Hi there,
GitHub is best:
Otherwise, in the comments here or in the support forum.
Let me know if you have any questions 🙂
Thanks a lot Stacey! Keep up the good work 🙂
OMG I got goosebumps all over! Can’t wait to implement this massive upgrade. Thanks to the whole team, this is beyond amazing!
Very exciting news, thanks!
I’ve installed GBP 2 alpha and have GB 1.9.1 but I cannot see the new GB features.
Do I also need to install GB 2 alpha? If yes, where from?
oops, didn’t see the box with the link at the top…my bad
Gamechanger. I expected nothing less. Well done team.
I just started testing and I’m really excited about the improvements – they’re fantastic!
When I add a container and create a new “p” selector with a specific text color, the child paragraph elements inside the container don’t show the inherited color when i set the filter, probably because it’s a custom selector. Not a huge deal but would be nice to have.
It would be very helpful to have the ability to add custom CSS.
For example:
– A direct custom CSS input for individual elements
Or a special syntax like %root%{ … } for CSS properties that aren’t available in the visual editor (bricks has something like that which I use a lot).
– Adding this custom CSS functionality would eliminate the need for maintaining a separate CSS file.
Thanks for all your effort, keep it up!
Love the new Query loop block, but one HUGE feature would be the option of adding multiple Post Types to the Query Parameters. Even mixing Regular Posts with Custom Posts.
This is coming before our stable release 🙂
Some more feedback for the alpha:
1. Negative letter spacing is not functioning properly and is difficult to implement effectively.
2. The Font family selector displays a list instead of an input field, preventing custom values like var(–font-mono) from being saved. I use a variable, to quickly change fonts and don’t want to set them directly.
3. When editing em values (like changing 0.75em to 0.5em), removing a digit automatically switches the unit to px instead of maintaining em, which is frustrating.
4. Having font weight placed before font size in the interface feels unnatural.
5. Inner containers automatically include the container variable and margin spacing. When I quickly set the parent container to flexbox it makes no sense to have a preset width and auto margins for flex children.
6. Border controls are always linked for all sides, whereas individual control (especially for bottom borders) would be more practical.
I’m just a random GP/GB user but wanted to say thanks for taking the time to test and report all of these. This is amazing feedback and helps us all. 🙏
Thanks so much for this! I’ve logged some issues to deal with these bugs.
For #2, have you tried clicking the 3 dots and clicking “Enter custom value”? This option exists for most of our select controls so you can specify a custom value vs one of the values in the select.
Hey Tom, yep, I’ve definitely tested it out. I built an entire site with the alpha this past week, so I’m diving deep into it. I’m a heavy user and work on projects far beyond standard sites.
Here are a few more findings:
#1 For the transform, it would be helpful to set 1.05 instead of jumping to 1.1. Sometimes 1.1 is too large for subtle hover effects.
#2 When I add a transition with custom easing (cubic-bezier), it sometimes defaults to “not set” after saving or switching to another setting and returning. The CSS still applies on the frontend, but the setting appears unset in the editor.
#3 Occasionally, copying a class gives me: “The editor has encountered an unexpected error.”
#4 I tried creating related posts using an element with a query loop, but I can’t select the same taxonomy or exclude the current post. I’ve tried hooking it to different positions (including custom positions to keep it in the main loop), but no luck so far.
Just loaded Alpha 2, I’ll keep testing!
Hey Tom, hope I’m not being annoying! The update is great and I REALLY enjoy it, just want to help make it even better by reporting the hiccups I keep running into:
#1 Custom font-family values using var(–myvar) don’t appear on frontend, reloading sets it back to default.
#2 When having a button element (HTML type button) you can’t insert empty space, need to switch to text and then back to button.
#3 When creating e.g., 4 divs and selecting all to change the background color, they appear changed in the backend but the frontend shows the change for random divs. There’s no specific pattern, it’s just not working reliably. Reloading the backend still shows all divs with the changes, saving again fixes frontend.
#4 For better usalbility: when selecting “hide empty controls” filter and switching to a different element, it reverts to “show all”. Since quickly checking different elements (for applied styles) is common, the filter should stay until manually turned off.
#5 Creating an accordion, the “accordion item” doesn’t show the 1px black border when the filter is set to “hide empty controls”.
#6 “Accordion Content” cannot be styled.
#7 There’s a z-index issue sometimes on the classes box:
Would it help if I reported these directly on Github?
GitHub is definitely preferred, if possible.
Really appreciate all of your reports here. Happy to say we’ve fixed about 90% of them for the next release! Will continue going through to see if we can address all of them. Thanks so much!
Hey Tom, when using a Query Loop block with a post limit set to 2 (without pagination), the block displays 3 posts instead of 2 when a posts is set to “Make this post sticky” in WordPress.
I’ve found a very strange bug removing text:
That is strange. I’m not able to replicate.
What version of WP are you using?
Seems like beta 7 is removing category classes from the post items in a looper, is this on purpose?
Thanks for reporting this! Should be fixed in beta.8 (just released).
Unfortunately, it’s not fixed for me in beta.8
The category class gets applied now again in beta.9. Unfortunately when inheriting the query on archive pages, sticky posts don’t stick to the top, can you look into this?
Thank you so much for being minimalist yet feature rich. While you’re readying your updates, please also spare some time for the pattern library. Your pattern library can be a formidable pattern resource if you could add elements from all Generate Press themes. Last month, I built a website combining elements from arborist, construction and one other GP themes. Existing elements in the pattern library aren’t as refined as those found in GP themes.
As I understand it, all starter sites from the current site-library will be obsolete with the update to 2.0, right? Because they all use the blocks from V1.
All starter sites will be slowly updated to use v2 blocks.
Existing sites (that you’ve installed) using v1 will continue to work as they always have, but will stay using v1 blocks.
what is the status of the ‘button’ and ‘headline’ blocks?
Since I’ve checked the option to ‘turn off’ the version 1 blocks shouldn’t they disappear?
Inserting a text block with selector ‘button’ is giving very different results from inserting ‘button’ block in terms of default styling. I would prefer if button block wasn’t there so I (or clients) don’t use it by mistake.
So if i just signed up and haven’t added a starter site which i plan to do, should i download version 2.0 first for generate blocks? Will it still work on starter site editing>
I think it works well, but blocks on starter sites are version 1
I’ve never used the global styles feature, because my assumption is that if styling is done in the database, it will make it a lot harder to keep multiple environments in sync. Is it safe to assume that will still be the case with 2.0, or will there be some kind of import/export feature available?
I would love to see, post categories and woocommerce product categories as part of the Query Loop.
I cannot remove the comment count text for multiple comments (%s comments), as “comments” always shows up even if I remove or change the text to %s or anything else.
Thanks for reporting this! Fixed in the next version.
Thank you!
Also found another bug. When using a loop to show related posts, it seems like excluding current post is not working.
i can’t find background img opacity options, is it removed or move to somewhere else?
Check Screenshot here :
Seems like the {{post meta key: *** }} doesn’t work for a repeater with multiple fields. My repeater is inside a group, and I am using this to render index 0 on the repeater, but nothing is showing up:
{{post_meta key:group.repeater1_0_fieldname}}
I am using beta 7.
Using the beta since alpha1 to build new websites. Ever since beta 5 or 6 it became really stable and pretty much production ready. I will release my newest builds in a few weeks. They already are awesome thanks to Blocks 2.0
What I am missing the most still is a modal. And it should be possible to open a blog post in a modal. Thinking about ACF data and for example a team grid where you want to show a ‘quick view’ about a person in a modal. Or for some kind of small directory.
Exiting to see if this is something that will be released as a block or inside Generatepress. And when.
Also for Generatepress: if we could define variables for spacing et al in the customizer that would be very very VERY awesome.
The future is bright for GP/GB users.
And I have to thank Tom & Team for that.
With version 2.0 will it be possible with the Query Loop block to group posts by category? e.g. to have a row where the category is the title and below it is the list of posts in that category and so on for other rows
On the dynamic data is there any way to format the meta data, for instance some plugins have meta value dates as timestamps, some as strings strings, and I’m sure there are other values that might do well with being formatted. Having option to apply a formatter to meta values would be really helpful.
I recently built a site fully with GB1, but had to install another plugin to format a date from an event plugin on a query loop, would have been nice to not have to do that and fully use GB.
With that plugin you can recreate what I have described? Please can you tell me what is the plugin name? You can send it to me at ste.fattori at gmail com
Thank you so much!
I hope it will be possible to do this with BG2
I updated to the RC3 version, but I’m not seeing the option to turn off the version 1 blocks in “GenerateBlocks > Settings”.
A Crucial Feature Request for the Upcoming GeneratePress & GenerateBlocks Update
Dear GeneratePress Team,
First of all, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your incredible work on GeneratePress. The theme’s speed, flexibility, and lightweight nature make it truly outstanding. I am also very excited about the upcoming GeneratePress & GenerateBlocks update, which seems to be a game-changer!
As you are finalizing this major update, I would love to request an essential feature that would significantly enhance GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks: full customization and editing of WooCommerce product pages using only GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks, without relying on external page builders.
Currently, many users, including myself, are forced to install heavy page builders like Elementor just to modify product pages. These page builders introduce unnecessary code, slow down websites, and contradict the core philosophy of GeneratePress—efficiency and performance. Having a built-in, fully customizable product page editor within GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks would eliminate the need for external page builders, providing a seamless, lightweight, and optimized experience.
I strongly believe that adding this feature would not only enhance GeneratePress’s value but also make it the ultimate theme for WooCommerce users who prioritize speed and flexibility. Please consider implementing this in the upcoming update—it would be a game-changing addition that many of us have been waiting for!
Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I truly appreciate your commitment to delivering the best possible experience for your users.
Looking forward to your response.
Best regards,