Hi David, I missed your reply. Sorry for my delayed response.
I build the page with the starter site Explore
So at first, I didn’t see your mentioned setting options (Display flex, etc.) until I realized this is the new flex update in GP 1.7. So I toggled “Use legacy layout system” off and used the new system only (without keeping the inner div.
Then the settings appeared. I changed them. Not. sure if I did it right with the button (there is a buttons and a button block) But still there is a difference in heights to the read more button depending if the header is one or two lines in height. Also the container width now goes full page, and does not stay contained to the standard container width of 1120px like the rest of the page does.
Old situation:

After changes are made, it goes full width:

if the title moves to two lines the buttons are not at the same height again
Settings flex:

Button Setting: