[Resolved] Изменить положение хедера

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Изменить положение хедера

Home Forums Support Изменить положение хедера

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  • #57717
    антон федотов

    Здравствуйте! Я новичок, не могу понять как изменять положение хедера, хочу чтобы он был на левом боку

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Hope English is okay..

    I Google translated the above and from what I understand you want the header to align to the left of your website?

    By default the header alignment is set to left, so are you trying to do something else? Any examples?


    антон федотов

    I’m sorry Tom something that is not written in English. You have not correctly understood. show this:
    the position of the header by default:
    And I need to like this:
    Sorry for the English, i hope you will understand me.
    Installed plugins: Backgrounds; Copyright; Disable Elements; Import/Export.

    антон федотов

    I Do not know how you display a message if you understand me, answer please, if a message is displayed crooked then let me know, I will explain in another way.

    антон федотов

    I want to do this:

    антон федотов

    please reply Tom

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Just having Christmas morning with the family.

    This should be possible using a left sidebar and widgets, then removing the header with CSS.

    You’ll have to make some tweaks for mobile.

    I’ll provide more info later.

    Thanks! Happy Holidays 🙂

    антон федотов

    Thank you Tom, with the upcoming holiday you !!!do not need more information, once again thank you, and congratulations on the upcoming holiday!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Thanks for understanding! 🙂

    Were you able to figure this out?

    If not, I can provide step by step instructions for you in here.

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