
Add space between main menu and archive

I would like to add some white space between the main menu below the header and the blog archive. I would like to achieve this without increasing the padding of the containers, as this also makes the archived posts appear farther apart, and I would like them to be close together (closer, even than I … Read more

Reduce Space between posts

Hello Tom, I’m currently working on an update of my webpage: And I was wondering if it is possible to reduce the space between posts/each entry in home and categories. So there is not so much white space between each entry. Also I would like to know if it is possible to reduce the space … Read more

Space Between "Use Sections"

Can you tell me please how I reduct the vertical height between sections? Currently there appears to be about 100px between each section. I’d like to reduce that space to about 20px. I’ve tried various CSS settings but have not been able to accomplish it. Would really appreciate your help. Thanks!

Headline Space in

Hi, Tom. I found an issue with the google testing tool ( There is NO space between headlines (h1/h2/…) and text areas! Here is my example page: Any ideas whats wrong? Cheers, Bin

Space between sections

Hello dear GP-Team, when I want to have some space between my text sections, what can I do? As example: I want to have between my text sections (with content background color) some space with the color of my background. Can I add an empty section for that or some custom CSS? Thank you in … Read more

Remove space after header on mobile

Hi folks, I’m using a few social icons on mobile right after the header, but there’s an extra space after the header / before content that I just can’t remove ( When using sections I can set a spacer as a section and then hide it on mobile via CSS. Is it possible to remove … Read more