
Show secondary menu on the top in mobile

Hi. I have the following problem. Actually, the secondary menu is showed in desktop at the left bar, that is ok. In the mobile version i wanna show it on the top, but actually is showed ad the bottom.. How can i show it at the top in the mobile version? Please see the video … Read more

Mobile nav menu tap behavior

Hello, I’m using GP 2.1.2 and GP Premium 1.6.2. In the customiser, I have the Primary Navigation Dropdown set to “Hover” — which is perfect for what I want for desktop behavior. However, for mobile, I notice that the small dropdown arrow must be tapped to open the second level sub-menu — not the whole … Read more

#mobile-header displaying wider than screen

I’m having an issue with the mobile-header displaying wider than the screen size on mobile devices. If I lower the below from 100%!important to 97% it disappears but that isn’t an ideal solution. I just can’t find where the problem is being caused. @media (max-width: 768px) #mobile-header { display: block!important; opacity: 1; width: 100%!important;

Change Pagination Text on Mobile

Hi There. I wish to change the text of the pagination for “Next” and “Previous” Only for mobile. Is there any way I can do that through function.php? Thanks! Guy

Translation menu not shown in mobile

I have set translation menu as primary navigation and main menu as slideout navaigation in the header. Everything looks normal the way I want in desktop. However the translation menu is not able to show in tablet or mobile setting. Thank you for your assistance.

Mobile nav dropdown skewed

My mobile nav dropdown is way off to the left and I can’t for the life of me find what is causing this. Have any ideas? I’m thinking it’s something I’m using Elementor and all my margins are 0.

Slideout Navigation – Different Breakpoint

Hi, I have my navigation as a menu bar in desktop view and once it reaches the width of 768px, it becomes a slideout navigation. This is working really well. However, I want it to change to a slideout navigation from 1150px instead. Thanks, Sarah

Make header image show up on mobile

Hi again, I’ve read through all of the relevant posts for this and am still not finding a solution. My header image (which I set as the header background image) is not showing up at all on my iPhone. The only thing I can get to show up is a tiny logo version that is … Read more