
Menu mystery

For SOME reason, never seen this before (I manage two other sites that use Generate Press), when I hover over the main menu item and try to click the sub menu it disappears. It’s like one of those very frustrating tricks. Other sites: – only one sub-menu, Issues – You will not have … Read more

Duplicate Menu

I juyst updated, and now I have a duplicate menu at the top of my home page. I can’t seem to get rid of it. And, just now I seem to be seeing the same thing on this site? Mine – Yours I thought maybe it was a local caching issue, but doesn’t … Read more

What\'s the best way to get more than two menus?

My primary menu is the main navigation. I’m using the secondary menu as the sidebar for a section of pages. I want to make another section, and use a new menu for that section. … Am I able to do that within GP, or do you recommend using a plugin to add more menus? Thanks

Custom CSS not working since upgrade to version 2.0.2

Hi, I have custom CSS which was working before I upgarded to GeneratePress version 2.0.2. The code is as follows and was implemented using the “Simple Custom CSS & JS” plugin. This has ceased working since I upgraded to the latest version of GP. The code is as follows .dropdown-hover .main-navigation ul ul { left: … Read more

Sub menus Primary menu going behind blog post

I’m unable to select some items in my sub menus as the blog post gets in the way? As an aside, as I’m a premium member why don’t I have GeneratePress 2.0.2? Thanks, Renée

Double arrows next to menu dropdown items

I am getting two dropdown indicators next to my menu items that have sub-menus. So it looks like this: “menu item V V” instead of “”menu item V” How can I fix this? Thank you! Nelson

Menus & Hamburger Mobile Menu

Hi, i have 3 items (pages) on MENUS A and set to Primary Menu (primary navigation). But when i check at mobile display (hamburger menus), all my pages displayed at “slide out navigation”. i try to set in Customize-Menus but no result. i dont know why but i hope you have a solution. thank you.

How do I use menus for large sites?

The examples I’ve seen are all for small sites. How would I create the menus for a site with ten pages in the main menu, then five of the pages having about ten sub-pages in their subordinate menus, and some of these subordinate pages having their own subordinate menus – in other words – a … Read more

Two mobile menus appearing after update to GP Premium 1.5

Since updating to GP Premium 1.5 I’ve noticed I’m getting two mobile menus appearing when the browser window is between 768-1024px wide. I believe I did make some changes to the CSS a while back because I wanted the mobile menu to appear sooner – I suspect that might be related to this issue. The … Read more

How to keep secondary menu from minimizing?

Hi! I currently have a primary and secondary menu on my site. The secondary menu only has an “about us” link and a “contact us” link so I don’t necessarily need it to minimize to a hamburger menu when in mobile mode. Is there something that can be done to keep the secondary menu from … Read more