
Mobile hamburger menu not responding

The mobile/hamburger menu isn’t responding when clicked or tapped (tested on my iPhone). It responds/works when I test it in customize mode but not when it’s live. What to do, please help?

Mobile menu (hamburger) size

Is there a way to change the size of the mobile menu hamburger? While it seems to be fine for Android, it is massive on iphone (bane of my existence)… maybe make it 50% of the size it is now? I don’t see any settings that changes height/width of the hamburger anywhere…

Menus & Hamburger Mobile Menu

Hi, i have 3 items (pages) on MENUS A and set to Primary Menu (primary navigation). But when i check at mobile display (hamburger menus), all my pages displayed at “slide out navigation”. i try to set in Customize-Menus but no result. i dont know why but i hope you have a solution. thank you.

mobile view missing hamburger & search

I’ve got navigation below the header, and no logos/images set in the header [nor nav]. When I use the WP customizer, I see the search icon and the hamburger icon on the nav bar, but when viewing on my iPhone 6s, I don’t. iPhone: Customizer: I’ve not done much in the way of customizing the … Read more

Showing icons on mobile nav

I am building a simple one page site and would like to replace hamburger icon on mobile with social icons and maybe a phone icon? i will no longer need menu as this will be the only page for the site. add icons as custom links to menu? or use social menu? and how do … Read more

Custom Menu Toggle Hamburger

Hello, great theme. Thank you! How i can change default menu toggle icon with my custom. I found a good one hamburgers list, how i can replace default hamburger with this one js, css already include in child theme. Best regards, Thank you

Mobile Hamburger Slideout

Hello, Can I control the slideout of the hamburger menu ? How can I make the slideout fullscreen, left, right or center