Google Fonts

Adding google fonts with extended type set

Hello, I’m facing a problem with displaying language-specific characters (Polish) when using Google fonts on mobile device (PC ok). I added the proper link to the font (including the subset=latin-ext part) into the header: <link href=",300,400,500,600,700,800&subset=latin-ext" rel="stylesheet"> but it still doesn’t work. Any similar experiences / ideas?

GeneratePress adds all the google font weights?

As a responsible developer, I am trying to limit myself to 3 font weights, which Google Fonts indicates will keep my page speedy (even though my designer brain wants more choices). I added two Google Fonts to my Generate Press menu—Palanquin and Palanquin Dark. I kept myself to 3 weights altogether when choosing fonts in … Read more

Questions about adding Google Fonts

Hi, with this article it’s really easy to add missing/needed google fonts to the Typography list. Thank you!! Perfect Theme, perfect support!! What do you recommend to use? Code Snippet or ChildTheme? Activating all GoogleFonts or only the ones I need? Is there a difference in page speed depending on what I choose? On … Read more

Google fonts didn't load

I added this code in Additional CSS like suggested in GP because my chosen font was not on the list. But the font list never changed/updated. It stayed at 200 most popular list. What did I do wrong? add_filter( 'generate_number_of_fonts','tu_show_all_available_google_fonts' ); function tu_show_all_available_google_fonts() { return 'all'; } I also tried this code below. same thing. … Read more

Conbine several fonts

Hi, I am using GP with the Google Fonts Open Sans (I think this was the default setting). But I also see this being loaded:,700. It is probably some other plugin using it (or is it GP?) but I would like to load both fonts together as this seems to improve performance quite a … Read more

How to disable Google fonts or update enqueing process

Hi Tom, I found bits and pieces of answers here could not formulate a complete understanding. I’m going to try hosting Google fonts on a CDN. Can you tell me how I can prevent loading them twice? Thanks very much. Gary

Google Fonts – Insecure Content

Hi Tom, I’m sorry to bother you again with this insecure content thing but I just cannot find out how to fix the insecure google fonts. The page source says it’s in generate-fonts <link rel=”stylesheet” id=”generate-fonts-css” href=”//” type=”text/css” media=”all”> and if I go into Typography, in addition to the Default Fonts, right under it, it … Read more

Google Fonts Loading Insecure Content

Where do I find ‘” so that I can remove the http: to stop getting insecure content errors? Thank you.

Google Fonts And PageSpeed Insights

Hi Tom GeneratePress is absolutely incredible theme. With compression, caching, image optimization and minification, GP constantly maintains Google PageSpeed Insights score at 98/100. But that can only be achieved by using “Default Font”. For example, if I use “Open Sans” for GP, PageSpeed score trembles down to 75-78 with this suggestion: Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and … Read more