
Image border on custom post type

Hi I’d like to add an Image border on a custom post type for the following News Slug is newspost Just for the images inside the post not the feature images. Thanks Scott

Remove Cell Borders

Hi GP Team, I’ve been trying to remove a cell border and I cannot. Border:none doesn’t work as it only removes the right side and the bothom side of the cell, leaving the top and left part. What can I do to remove the border completely?

CSS: Post Separator

Hello again, I am trying to add a post separator using CSS, the best results are from this: .post { border-top: 1px solid #bfbfbf } Unfortunately, because I use the WP show posts plugin the css shows up in the right side bar too. I have linked to my staging site, so you can see … Read more

Unable To Create Top Border Over Prisna Languages

I would like to put a border at the very top of my page, above the Prisna Languages bar. I’ve tried several different selectors but nothing is working. I think this should do it, but it doesn’t. .prisna-wp-translate-languages-list { border-top: 28px solid #bf1300 !important; } Would appreciate your help once again. Thanks!

Box Shadow / Border For Container

In regards to the instructions on this page I found that this site helped me create the desired effects without knowing too much CSS. Thought it might be of use to someone else.

Adding border to articles in masonry

I need to add a border like I do at (just added with your great WP Show Posts Pro plugin) at the archive page where I’m using masonry. You can see at How can I do this? Also, I would like the ‘Meer info’ text to show like the button in the first … Read more

Search field border-radius

Hi, I’m willing to make the search field border radius at 10px, so far, I made it but this affect some pages (that has page header set) and not others, can you help me with this please?

Border Bars to the left of Drop Down Items on Hover

Hey guys, I am currently using this CSS to create a border animation underneath my primary navigation menu items (upon hover & for current page): /* nav links effect */ .main-navigation .menu > .menu-item > a::after { content: ""; position: absolute; right: 0; color: #1e73be; left: 50%; bottom: 9px; -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); transform: translateX(-50%); display: block; … Read more

What is the CSS for navigation and secondary navigation borders

Hi Tom, Great theme, and fantastic customization options. I want to add a right border to the main navigation and the a bottom border to the drop down secondary navigation. What is the CSS for this? I’m trying to read through all those levels and having trouble figuring out the exact selectors to target these. … Read more

Border around an entire page?

What’s the best way to have a border around the edges of an entire page including the navigation, page header, page content and the footer elements? There doesn’t appear to be a main parent container wrapping around all these to style with CSS for such purposes.