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Home Forums Support Caption for post thumbnails Reply To: Caption for post thumbnails

Emily Condit

Hi, Tom.

Not sure what happened but I got a parse error on line 9 when I replaced the old remove function with the new one. This is what my functions.php looks like. Maybe you can tell me what the problem is?

 * Generate child theme functions and definitions
 * @package Generate

function generate_remove_blog_post_image()


      remove_action( 'generate_after_entry_header', 'generate_blog_post_image' );


add_action( 'generate_after_entry_header', 'generate_post_image_caption' );
function generate_post_image_caption()
	// If there's no featured image, return
	if ( ! has_post_thumbnail() )
	// If we're not on any single post/page or the 404 template, we must be showing excerpts
	if ( ! is_singular() && ! is_404() ) {
		<div class="post-image">
			<a href="<?php the_permalink();?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail( 'full', array('itemprop' => 'image') ); ?><?php if ( function_exists( 'cc_featured_image_caption' ) ) : cc_featured_image_caption(); endif; ?></a>

🙂 Emily