Reply To: Tom here's my code for your new rego/profile button

Home Forums Support Tom here's my code for your new rego/profile button Reply To: Tom here's my code for your new rego/profile button

Home Forums Support Tom here's my code for your new rego/profile button Reply To: Tom here's my code for your new rego/profile button


1. On my profile link hover I get:

localhost/forum/forums/users/(my user name)/edit (NOTE: I have a two word user name and it appears in this link with just a space between the two words)

2. If I click on the my profile link I get taken to an oops that page can’t be found and the browser link is:

localhost/forum/forums/users/(firstwordofusername)%20(secondwordofusername)/edit (NOTE: there is a %20 between the first and second words in my username

3.If I click on my avatar in a topic I get taken to the right page (my profile) and the browser link is:

localhost/forum/forums/users/(firstwordofusername)-(secondwordofusername)/ (NOTE: there is a hyphen between the first and second words in my username)