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Home Forums Support Grid, or Text Boxes… Reply To: Grid, or Text Boxes…

Home Forums Support Grid, or Text Boxes… Reply To: Grid, or Text Boxes…

Eneida Gastal-Keith

Hi again, Tom

I’m really happy that Tom liked my website’s visual, but I still didn’t give up the idea of creating sections, or blocks, or boxes that are not made from widgets.

I tried to download the lite version of Beaver Builder, but it didn’t work. I sent an email to them. At this moment, I can’t invest $99.00 for the simplest version they offer.

I’ve been testing the columns and sections on Generate Press, and I almost got what I wanted (I would like to “enclose” each topic, though). What I find strange is that each column starts a little lower than the previous one. Why does this happen?

Here is the link to the test page I created so that you see what I’m talking about:

