Today we released the latest version of GP Premium, including new versions of all of our individual add-ons.
[+] = Added
[*] = Changed
[^] = Moved
[=] = No Changes
[x] = Deleted
[!] = Bugs
(5/13/2015) – 1.2.4
[!] Page Header: Add function_exists() functions to admin-options.php to stop error when standalone and GP Premium are activated.
[!] Sections: Fix bug where sidebar padding wasn’t working with one container set
[*] Sections: Improve editor when visual editor disabled
[!] Page Header: Fix bug in parallax.js
[*] German language updated through all add-ons (thanks, Daniel!!)
[*] Blog: Disallow masonry on any post types but the core “post” type
[!] Sections: Remove background color on sections pages when one container is set.
[!] Page Header: Remove empty space on attachment page
[*] Import/Export: Delete GP Hooks specific import – no longer needed
[+] Hooks: Add option to disable individual hooks
[+] Hooks: Move options to one table – reduces queries
[+] Typography: Widget content size option added
[!] Sections: Fix bug dealing with sidebar layouts
[*] Email activation performance increased