[Resolved] Replace default search

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Replace default search

Home Forums Support Replace default search

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  • #53901

    I love the search in nav bar that generatepress comes with, but I don’t want to use wordpress’s default search. I actually use a free search tool that’s powered by bing made for governments (see https://search.usa.gov/search?affiliate=morriscountynjgovernment&query=test&x=0&y=0 for an example).

    Is there any way that when someone does a search using the built in form, it instead takes them to the one we currently use?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm, not too sure about this one.

    The search in the navigation requires specific markup so the styling all works as it should – dropping in a third party search box would most likely require customization to make all of the markup work the same, and even then it’s not guaranteed it would work.

    Here’s how to remove the default search, and add your own: http://generatepress.com/forums/topic/change-search-parameters-in-navigation-menu/#post-51654


    since i don’t want a woocommerce search, would i remove the woocommerce stuff and do something like:

    if ( ! function_exists( ‘generate_remove_default_navigation_search’ ) ) :
    add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’,’generate_remove_default_navigation_search’ );
    function generate_remove_default_navigation_search()
    remove_action( ‘generate_inside_navigation’,’generate_navigation_search’);

    <form role=”search” …….


    i’m also not quite sure how to integrate that into the site…do i replace the default search.php with that? or do i remove search.php and searchform.php entirely, and stick this in the header?


    never mind, i was able to figure it out. i added that to my custom functions.php file and edited the form action accordingly. thank you!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Awesome, glad you figured it out 🙂

    Patrick Byrne

    Sorry to ask such a dumb question but how do you start a new topic? As you guessed, I’m a newbie here.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Pat,

    At the bottom of each forum, you’ll see a place to create a topic.

    For example, take a look at the bottom of this page: http://generatepress.com/forums/forum/general-support/

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